Polish Marriage and the Influence of Polish Women
Polish marriage is no different from any marriage. As Poland is basically 90% Catholics, the marriage is ordained by the church. In essence, Polish marriage starts with a typical Catholic wedding where the bride and groom face the priest who officiate the wedding.
The wedding is attended by the bride and groom's family and friends. The objective of the ceremony is to unite the couples in holy matrimony. Once they are declared as husband and wife by the officiating minister, they are considered to be married both in the eyes of the public and in the eyes of God.
However, not all Polish marriages started with a church wedding. Man and woman who plan to get married can have marriage rites from civil wedding rather than church wedding. Civil wedding is considered legal since it is declared by a judge, and it is supported by legal documents stating the marriage of the couples.
The legal documents are registered in the Civil Registry and other corresponding government agencies that declare the union of the couples, thus changing their marital status. Nevertheless, some weddings for couples in Poland may start with a civil wedding and proceeded with church wedding. This double event in wedding was rampant during the communist ruling where the government does not consider it legal if only the church wedding was done.
Today, however, it is already acceptable for two couples to proceed with the church wedding as consistent announcement and documentation follow to make the Polish marriage legal. In other words, there is no need to prepare for civil wedding and church wedding, as part of the church wedding preparation is the documentation of marriage union.
Polish marriage basically starts at the age of twenty-three for women and twenty-six for men. Whilst Polish marriage is a decision between man and woman, the woman is put in the spotlight in marriage because they are the ones who handle the family matters most of the time. Poland cultures give importance to the family and it is up to the woman to see to it that the affairs of the family are in place.
Of course, men also have influence on the success and failure of Polish marriage but women have more influence than men. Women generally are given the responsibility as the homemaker, raising children, taking care of spouse, and ensuring that everyone is satisfied and happy as much as possible.
In fact, while men have only one job to take, women have the tendency to work double jobs just to ensure that every financial need will be met in the family. Generally, women in Poland are educated, so they can work professionally even when they are married.
In conclusion, Polish marriage starts with a wedding either in civil ceremony or church ceremony. In modern times, church weddings would usually suffice. When the couples are married the woman has a greater role and influence over the affairs of the family. They are given huge responsibility to take care of the children and her husband. Since most women are educated, they can work professionally and they do so even if it means working double jobs. This is usually done for the sake of the family that they built.
The wedding is attended by the bride and groom's family and friends. The objective of the ceremony is to unite the couples in holy matrimony. Once they are declared as husband and wife by the officiating minister, they are considered to be married both in the eyes of the public and in the eyes of God.
However, not all Polish marriages started with a church wedding. Man and woman who plan to get married can have marriage rites from civil wedding rather than church wedding. Civil wedding is considered legal since it is declared by a judge, and it is supported by legal documents stating the marriage of the couples.
The legal documents are registered in the Civil Registry and other corresponding government agencies that declare the union of the couples, thus changing their marital status. Nevertheless, some weddings for couples in Poland may start with a civil wedding and proceeded with church wedding. This double event in wedding was rampant during the communist ruling where the government does not consider it legal if only the church wedding was done.
Today, however, it is already acceptable for two couples to proceed with the church wedding as consistent announcement and documentation follow to make the Polish marriage legal. In other words, there is no need to prepare for civil wedding and church wedding, as part of the church wedding preparation is the documentation of marriage union.
Polish marriage basically starts at the age of twenty-three for women and twenty-six for men. Whilst Polish marriage is a decision between man and woman, the woman is put in the spotlight in marriage because they are the ones who handle the family matters most of the time. Poland cultures give importance to the family and it is up to the woman to see to it that the affairs of the family are in place.
Of course, men also have influence on the success and failure of Polish marriage but women have more influence than men. Women generally are given the responsibility as the homemaker, raising children, taking care of spouse, and ensuring that everyone is satisfied and happy as much as possible.
In fact, while men have only one job to take, women have the tendency to work double jobs just to ensure that every financial need will be met in the family. Generally, women in Poland are educated, so they can work professionally even when they are married.
In conclusion, Polish marriage starts with a wedding either in civil ceremony or church ceremony. In modern times, church weddings would usually suffice. When the couples are married the woman has a greater role and influence over the affairs of the family. They are given huge responsibility to take care of the children and her husband. Since most women are educated, they can work professionally and they do so even if it means working double jobs. This is usually done for the sake of the family that they built.