Home Remedies For Allergies: Why You Have Allergies And What You Can Do About It
When you experience allergy symptoms itindicates that your immune function has gone hay wire.
Usually our immune system focuses on protecting us from the most harmful substances, but those who suffer from allergic reactions have an immune system that is working overtime on things like pollen,dust and dander among others.
These things are not so harmful, but because your immune function isn`t working properly it is treating those things as serious threats.
The best thing we can do to alleviate allergies in the authors opinion, is to boost our immune system and restore balance to our body, mind and spirit so the body functions properly.
Home Remedies for Allergies
Whether your allergies stop you from having or being close to certain animals you like, eating foods you enjoy, or getting out to enjoy a beautiful spring day, it is worth making the effort to reduce or eliminate allergic attacks.
Try these home remedies for allergies and start enjoying yourself again.
The author is not a Doctor and has no medical training.
Always consult your health care professional before using these or any home remedies or natural cures.
Usually our immune system focuses on protecting us from the most harmful substances, but those who suffer from allergic reactions have an immune system that is working overtime on things like pollen,dust and dander among others.
These things are not so harmful, but because your immune function isn`t working properly it is treating those things as serious threats.
The best thing we can do to alleviate allergies in the authors opinion, is to boost our immune system and restore balance to our body, mind and spirit so the body functions properly.
Home Remedies for Allergies
- Omega 3 fatty acid and other nutritional components found in cold, deep sea water fish such as Salmon, Mackerel and Alaskan Tuna help remove inflammation from the body that allergies often trigger.
We now consume several times more omega 6`s to omega 3`s.
While these are both important to our health, an imbalance in these throws the body out of joint and can lead to illness including allergies. - Ginkgo biloba is well known as a memory booster, but it also contains components that greatly reduce many allergy symptoms.
Take 200 milligrams a day.
This is one of several herbs useful in helping alleviate allergies. - Drink hot or cold green tea.
Among it`s many health benefits, it is also a natural anti-histamine.
In addition to helping with your allergies you will find many other area`s of your health improved by the addition of this important nutritional source. - The herb Nettle is a natural anti-histamine.
This herb has ancient origins and has been used for over 2,000 years.
University studies confirm that the use of this herb can help alleviate symptoms.
You can find these in capsule form in most health food stores.
Take 500 milligrams 3 times a day. - Ginger tea is one of the great home remedies for allergies because of it`s ability to reduce inflammations in the body.
Inflammation is a major contributor to allergies. - Stress reduces immune function.
Your body then sees even minor threats to it`s system as dangerous.
Learning to reduce stress is an absolute must if you want to overcome allergies.
Whether your allergies stop you from having or being close to certain animals you like, eating foods you enjoy, or getting out to enjoy a beautiful spring day, it is worth making the effort to reduce or eliminate allergic attacks.
Try these home remedies for allergies and start enjoying yourself again.
The author is not a Doctor and has no medical training.
Always consult your health care professional before using these or any home remedies or natural cures.