Avoid These Mishaps Which Will Ruin Your Date
There are a lot of things that can derail a date.
Countless things that you probably wouldn't even think of (one false move or bad joke and you're toast).
While a date can be fun and a good time, a date is also about walking a thin tightrope of trying to get to know someone without delving too deep or seeming too shallow.
It's about trying to feel someone out while, at the same time, trying to steer the whole night into a positive direction.
There is one thing, though, that that can derail almost any date, even a good date: bad breath.
Bad breath is never a good thing.
It doesn't only smell bad, but it's also uncomfortable, especially in dating situations.
This is because when you're just getting to know someone the comfort factor isn't there to offer them a mint or nicely tell them that they need one.
Nope, instead being on a date with someone with bad breath becomes a countdown until you can leave and breath easily again (no pun intended).
Chances are, if the breath is that bad and the person doesn't do anything to rectify it then a second date it typically out of the question.
Here's the thing though: now-a-day's there is no reason to ever have foul breath, or at least to have it for a prolonged period of time.
Not only can you buy a wide variety of mints and gum in small enough containers to keep in your pocket, but you can also take pills that will keep your breath clean and fresh for an entire night.
Heck, you can even use a breath spray when you go to the bathroom or use an after dinner mint from the restaurant you are at.
The key is to be conscious of your breath during a date and to take action like you have bad breath even if you don't.
Use mints throughout the night and make sure to not order any overly stinky food.
This way a second date will not only be in the cards, but a third date, fourth date and beyond.
There is no reason to let bad breath derail a date, especially if everything else is going well.
Countless things that you probably wouldn't even think of (one false move or bad joke and you're toast).
While a date can be fun and a good time, a date is also about walking a thin tightrope of trying to get to know someone without delving too deep or seeming too shallow.
It's about trying to feel someone out while, at the same time, trying to steer the whole night into a positive direction.
There is one thing, though, that that can derail almost any date, even a good date: bad breath.
Bad breath is never a good thing.
It doesn't only smell bad, but it's also uncomfortable, especially in dating situations.
This is because when you're just getting to know someone the comfort factor isn't there to offer them a mint or nicely tell them that they need one.
Nope, instead being on a date with someone with bad breath becomes a countdown until you can leave and breath easily again (no pun intended).
Chances are, if the breath is that bad and the person doesn't do anything to rectify it then a second date it typically out of the question.
Here's the thing though: now-a-day's there is no reason to ever have foul breath, or at least to have it for a prolonged period of time.
Not only can you buy a wide variety of mints and gum in small enough containers to keep in your pocket, but you can also take pills that will keep your breath clean and fresh for an entire night.
Heck, you can even use a breath spray when you go to the bathroom or use an after dinner mint from the restaurant you are at.
The key is to be conscious of your breath during a date and to take action like you have bad breath even if you don't.
Use mints throughout the night and make sure to not order any overly stinky food.
This way a second date will not only be in the cards, but a third date, fourth date and beyond.
There is no reason to let bad breath derail a date, especially if everything else is going well.