The Best Way to Sharpen Scissors
- 1). Pour enough light machine oil into a large pot to fill the bottom 1/4 of the pot. Place your sharpening stone into the pot. The stone should be submerged in the oil; if it is not, add more oil to the pot. The oil will help lubricate the stones, which will make sharpening easier.
- 2). Open the scissors, and hold them in your non-dominant hand. Always hold onto the scissors at the pivot--where the two blades intersect. Point the first blade that you're going to sharpen away from you.
- 3). Hold onto the sharpening stone in your other hand. Place the stone on the pivot, then slide the stone down the length of the first blade.
- 4). Continue sliding the stone down the blade from pivot to point. Do this 10 times.
- 5). Turn the scissors around to begin sharpening the second blade. Slide the stone down the second blade--from pivot to point--10 times, as well.
- 6). Wipe off the blades using a piece of paper towel.
- 7). Clean the sharpening stone. Pour 1 tbsp. of dish soap on to the stone; use a scouring pad and water to work the soap into a lather. Rinse the stone off and allow it to air dry.