How to Make Your Own Shoulder Backpack
- 1). Trace a rectangle onto a piece of canvas fabric that measures 20 inches by 35 inches. You can use a flimsier fabric if you would like and iron on a fusible interfacing to stiffen the material.
- 2). Fold 1 ½ inches of one of the long sides of the fabric over onto the wrong side and sew the fold close to the edge to make a gap to insert the drawstring cord or ribbon.
- 3). Fold the fabric in half by bringing one short end over to the other short end. Pin the ends together and sew a seam line. Leave a gap at the top of the fabric where there is the folded edge for the drawstring.
- 4). Align the bottom edge of the folded fabric, opposite the drawstring fold and sew the bottom of the bag closed.
- 5). Turn the bag right side out and make a dot at the left and right sides of the bottom of the bag. Make the left mark 1 inch from the bottom of the bag and 1 inch from the left edge. Make the right mark 1 inch from the bottom and 1 inch from the right edge.
- 6). Use a sharp knife to make a slit through each dot. Lay one of the slits over top of the grommet kit's metal disc and push the bottom piece of the grommet into the slit from the underside of the fabric. Push the top piece of the grommet into the slit from the top and hammer the grommet to the backpack. Do the same for the other slit.
- 7). Attach the end of the ribbon or cord to a safety pin and insert it through the channel at the top of the bag. Pull the safety pin out of the same hole after threading the cord through the channel and release the safety pin.
- 8). Twist the length of the ribbon or cord together to make a single strap. Insert one ribbon or cord end through each grommet at the bottom of the bag and tie the end of the cord in a thick knot to keep it secure.
- 9). Fill the backpack and sling it over your shoulder.