How to Care for Moth Orchids
- 1). Position your moth orchids in a bright window that faces east, south or west, where they may receive indirect sunlight for three to four hours each day. Avoid shady north-facing windows as they might not provide enough sunlight to encourage prolific blooming.
- 2). Water moth orchids thoroughly each time you irrigate. Water the orchids until water streams from the drainage holes in the bottom of the planting container. Make sure that the excess water is able to drain away from the container; the plant should never be left in standing water. Allow the top 2 to 3 inches of soil to dry almost completely between each irrigation to avoid over-watering.
- 3). Maintain a comfortable climate for your moth orchids. Maintain the temperature of your orchids' environment at between 65 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Fill a shallow tray with pebbles and add just enough water to cover the pebbles. Place the planting container on top of the pebbles. The water in the tray will provide your orchids with humidity as it evaporates.
- 4). Fertilize moth orchids monthly with a water soluble 20-20-20 fertilizer from spring to early fall to encourage robust growth. Apply a single application of high-phosphorus fertilizer in November when your orchids are setting their buds. Follow the application instructions included with your fertilizer products.
- 5). Re-pot your moth orchids every two to three growing seasons. Wait to re-pot the orchids until the end of the growing season, after they have finished blooming. Remove the orchids from their planting container and hold the roots under cool running water to wash away the soil. Use a pair of sharpened and sterilized pruning shears to trim off any brown or mushy roots. Re-pot your orchids in fresh potting soil to discourage fungal diseases.