Ethical SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) And How It Affects SEO Pricing

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Summary: This article explains why ethical Search Engine Optimisation is better and less expensive in the long run than spamming SEO. It identifies some practices used by unethical SEO companies and makes a suggestion about how search engines can help ethical SEO'ing.

Unethical and Ethical SEO

Unethical: There are two ways SEO companies can move website up Google, the first is a straightforward charge for getting a site on page 1 of Google with little or no concern about the company itself, some of these companies are themselves unethical, perhaps selling fake Gucci. These companies sometimes operate out of poorer regions of the world and use various ways to try to trick Google. One is blogging, where a person receives a very small amount of money for each blog they post. Examples of comments are "hello sir really awesome site i like it" or "nice to know somebody still care with others" - they are often not relevant to the blog.

A person might use the same phrase hundreds of times, for example "Thanks for taking the time to discuss this, I feel strongly about it and love learning more on this topic. If possible, as you gain expertise, would you mind updating your blog with more information? It is extremely helpful for me."

To check this out, simply Google an extract of the words in quotes, "to discuss this, I feel strongly" and you can see some of the hundreds of blogs this person (or non human program) has put these same words on.

1) How To: Stream Any Video to Your Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and...
25 Oct 2008... Thanks for taking the time to discuss this, I feel strongly about it and love learning more on this topic.... - Cached - Similar

2) ThinkFree Blog - Windows, Linux or Mac? ThinkFree's ESD version's...

7 Jul 2009... "Thanks for taking the time to discuss this, I feel strongly about it and love learning more on this topic.

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3) How to Use the the Cellular Emulator in the Windows Mobile 6 SDK
22 Feb 2009

... Thanks for taking the time to discuss this, I feel strongly about it and love learning more on this topic.... - Cached - Similar

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18 Jan 2010... Thanks for taking the time to discuss this, I feel strongly about it and love learning more on this topic. ...

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If a search engine sees hundreds of links to a site, each of which connects a chosen keyword to the site, it will flag up this site as one the public are interested in. The search engine will have been fooled by one person (or a program) pretending to be 100's of different people.

It is not in the best interest of a search engine to be conned as it causes the wrong sites to be shown on page 1. Therefore if a search engine can identify a practise like this, it gives 'penalties' to the sites that are being spammed.

Every so often, the unethical companies doing this spamming see their sites drop off page 1 when a search engine identifies what they are doing. Two things then happen:-

1) The unethical SEO company looks for another way to trick the search engines.

2) They can use the old trick they no longer use for their sites on competitors sites, for example spamming links using the method search engines can now spot. If they have a website which is at the top of page 2, there are sites which genuinely deserve to be on page 1, so by using their unethical techniques on these sites, they get penalties and move off page 1, allowing the unethically SEO'd site move to page 1.

How Search Engines Can Help Ethical SEO Companies

It is in the interests of search engines to identify and support Ethical SEO companies, which allows their SEO pricing [] to compete with unethical companies on a more level playing field:-

Ethical SEO companies need to be allowed to register with the Search Engines; they can give a list of their clients to the Search Engines.
Search engines can then 'green mark' these websites, whilst 'blackmarking' websites identified as using unethical SEO. A search engine can then identify if it has mistakenly given a penalty to an ethically SEO'd website. A website from an ethical SEO will not be automatically given penalties, instead the SEO company will receive an opportunity to respond explaining what has gone wrong. An example could be if an ethical SEO company was in the process of making a totally new website for a company (e.g. in Drupal), and in the days or weeks before the new site went live, the search engines found the site and penalised for duplicate content.
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