Luau Hula Instructions
- 1). Dress in a grass skirt and a lei for authenticity. Take off any footwear.
- 2). Hold your right arm to your side. Adjust your left hand flat against your hip. Aim the fingers on your left hand downward. Sway the fingers on your right hand down and up again throughout a count of four. Follow with your right wrist throughout a count of four. Buckle you right elbow, easily and gently, in the same manner. Involve the right shoulder now. Think of your body becoming the ocean and your arm resembles a wave. Bring your right arm down and raise the left arm. Repeat the motion with the left arm.
- 3). Bend your knees ever so slightly. Raise your heels just off of the ground. Step to right--with your right foot--with ease on the first count. Follow with a step to the right with your left foot on the second count. Step back to the left with your left foot on the third count. Continue to the left with your right foot on the fourth count. Repeat this back and forth motion with your feet.
- 4). Sway your hips gracefully back and forth. Move one count to the right, count two to the left. Repeat all of the motions in concert with one another until your entire body becomes involved.