How to Create Half-Fold Documents With Word
- 1). Turn on your computer and run your Microsoft Word program. Select "File" and "Page Setup" and click on the "Paper" tab.
- 2). Choose the paper size for your document (from the "Paper size" options). To create a half-fold document for standard paper, choose "Letter (8 1/2-by-11 inches)," otherwise choose the size you need.
- 3). Click on the "Margins" tab in the "Page Setup" dialog box. In the "Pages" section, select the drop-down box and choose "2 pages per sheet" for "Multiple pages."
- 4). Click "OK" to accept the half-fold settings in Microsoft Word.
- 5). Type in the information you want to include in the top half of your document. Word will add an automatic page break when you've moved to the bottom half of your document.
- 6). Add in the content for the bottom half of your page. To preview how your document looks, select "File" and "Print Preview." Each half should appear on a different page in print preview.
- 7). Print the document by clicking on the "printer" button in the "Print Preview" window or save your work for later.