How Do I Tell My Husband I Still Love Him After His Cheating But Am Afraid He'll Cheat Again?
I recently heard from a wife who very much wanted to save her marriage after her husband had briefly been unfaithful. That's not to say that she wasn't devastated, struggling, or angry. She was all of these things. And, she was very reluctant to place her heart and her trust on the line again when this might have meant risking him cheating on her once more sometime in the future. And, these fears were really weighing on her and keeping her from really moving forward. She felt that she could not (and would not) ever go through this again. And these concerns made her somewhat reluctant to even try to save the marriage for fear of disappointment and more pain.
She wanted to somehow tell or warn her husband that this was going to be his one chance, but she wasn't sure how to go about this. She worried about how quickly he was driven to cheat when they reached little road bumps in their marriage. With the blink of an eye, he'd made a very unfortunate decision, so what was to stop him from doing it again the next time they struggled? She couldn't come up with an acceptable answer to this question. And, this is where she kept getting stuck.
Her husband kept asking her for support, acceptance, and reassurance. But, she was having a hard time pretending that she didn't have any doubts. This was certainly understandable and no one should pretend to be completely on board and without doubts when this isn't the truth. The husband had placed himself in a position where she was justified in doubting him. She just needed to find the words to express this. I will offer some suggestions in the following article.
The wife in this scenario was making all sorts of apologies and actually felt guilty for her distrust. This is actually very common, which may surprise you. But many times, your reaction to a husband's affair may not be what how you thought that you might respond. I often hear women say things like: "If my husband ever cheated on me, that would be it. He would never get a second chance." It's easy to say this when you aren't in this situation. But once you are, things can begin to look a bit differently and things may not be as clear as you might have thought.
By no means should the faithful spouse feel guilty for having doubts or for having trust issues. When someone betrays you once, it only makes sense that you are going to doubt them until they prove themselves trustworthy again. And, this just takes some time. You have to view their actions and behaviors for some time to come. It's not fair for you to be pressured into rushing this process
A Dialog To Tell Your Husband That You Love Him And You Want To Work Things Out After His Cheating, (But That You Have Doubts And Worry That He Will Cheat Again:) Other than the doubts and concerns that the wife had about the husband's ability to fix this and to be faithful in the future, another huge problem for her was how to communicate her feelings to her husband. Because every time she asked questions or expressed doubts, her husband turned on the water works and began with his apologies and accounts of how much hated himself for putting the marriage at risk.
So, the wife hesitated every time she thought about being honest. But, this really wasn't getting her anywhere. She needed to be able to release her feelings and this couple was going to need to be able to be honest with one another from this point on. Honestly going forward is one of the things that safeguards your marriage from another affair.
So, I suggested a dialog that went went something like this: "I'm listening to you when you say that love you me, that you want to work things out, and that you will make this up to me. I do appreciate your eagerness to fix this. But, I have to tell you that I'm struggling a bit right now. This is a difficult issue which has made a difficult situation. I'm just going to need some time to sort through this. My taking this time doesn't mean that I don't love you or that I'm not committed to our marriage. I am. I can not stress enough how much I want to save the marriage and how much I love you. But, neither of these things mean that I don't have real concerns moving forward. I need to know that you will never cheat on me again and this is something that is just going to take time. So, please allow me this time and don't rush or pressure me. I do love you and I am willing to fight for our marriage, but we both have some work to do to address both of our concerns so that we can create a marriage that means we don't have to worry about this again in the future."
Of course, these are just suggestions. You know which words are likely to work best for your husband. But basically, you've not lashed out or been punishing or mean. You've said what you needed to say. You've reassured him that you still love him and want to save the marriage. But, you've also asked for the time, patience, and reassurances that you need. And, you've been honest about your concerns and doubts. Since his mistakes are the reason for this situation, he will usually understand that it's only fair (and very much in his own best interest) to provide you with what you have asked for.
Once he understands that he needs to be patient and he has some work to do to show you that you can trust him again, then you can begin working on the issues that will safeguard your marriage in the future. Because if you able to address these things, your doubts and worries should lessen.
There was a time when I thought I would never get over my husband's affair and that I could never trust him again, but this is in the past. Although I never would've believed this two years ago, my marriage is stronger. It took a lot of work, and I had to play the game to win, but it was worth it. Because of all the work I did on myself, my self esteem is at an all time high. I no longer worry my husband will cheat again. You can read a very personal story on my blog at
She wanted to somehow tell or warn her husband that this was going to be his one chance, but she wasn't sure how to go about this. She worried about how quickly he was driven to cheat when they reached little road bumps in their marriage. With the blink of an eye, he'd made a very unfortunate decision, so what was to stop him from doing it again the next time they struggled? She couldn't come up with an acceptable answer to this question. And, this is where she kept getting stuck.
Her husband kept asking her for support, acceptance, and reassurance. But, she was having a hard time pretending that she didn't have any doubts. This was certainly understandable and no one should pretend to be completely on board and without doubts when this isn't the truth. The husband had placed himself in a position where she was justified in doubting him. She just needed to find the words to express this. I will offer some suggestions in the following article.
The wife in this scenario was making all sorts of apologies and actually felt guilty for her distrust. This is actually very common, which may surprise you. But many times, your reaction to a husband's affair may not be what how you thought that you might respond. I often hear women say things like: "If my husband ever cheated on me, that would be it. He would never get a second chance." It's easy to say this when you aren't in this situation. But once you are, things can begin to look a bit differently and things may not be as clear as you might have thought.
By no means should the faithful spouse feel guilty for having doubts or for having trust issues. When someone betrays you once, it only makes sense that you are going to doubt them until they prove themselves trustworthy again. And, this just takes some time. You have to view their actions and behaviors for some time to come. It's not fair for you to be pressured into rushing this process
A Dialog To Tell Your Husband That You Love Him And You Want To Work Things Out After His Cheating, (But That You Have Doubts And Worry That He Will Cheat Again:) Other than the doubts and concerns that the wife had about the husband's ability to fix this and to be faithful in the future, another huge problem for her was how to communicate her feelings to her husband. Because every time she asked questions or expressed doubts, her husband turned on the water works and began with his apologies and accounts of how much hated himself for putting the marriage at risk.
So, the wife hesitated every time she thought about being honest. But, this really wasn't getting her anywhere. She needed to be able to release her feelings and this couple was going to need to be able to be honest with one another from this point on. Honestly going forward is one of the things that safeguards your marriage from another affair.
So, I suggested a dialog that went went something like this: "I'm listening to you when you say that love you me, that you want to work things out, and that you will make this up to me. I do appreciate your eagerness to fix this. But, I have to tell you that I'm struggling a bit right now. This is a difficult issue which has made a difficult situation. I'm just going to need some time to sort through this. My taking this time doesn't mean that I don't love you or that I'm not committed to our marriage. I am. I can not stress enough how much I want to save the marriage and how much I love you. But, neither of these things mean that I don't have real concerns moving forward. I need to know that you will never cheat on me again and this is something that is just going to take time. So, please allow me this time and don't rush or pressure me. I do love you and I am willing to fight for our marriage, but we both have some work to do to address both of our concerns so that we can create a marriage that means we don't have to worry about this again in the future."
Of course, these are just suggestions. You know which words are likely to work best for your husband. But basically, you've not lashed out or been punishing or mean. You've said what you needed to say. You've reassured him that you still love him and want to save the marriage. But, you've also asked for the time, patience, and reassurances that you need. And, you've been honest about your concerns and doubts. Since his mistakes are the reason for this situation, he will usually understand that it's only fair (and very much in his own best interest) to provide you with what you have asked for.
Once he understands that he needs to be patient and he has some work to do to show you that you can trust him again, then you can begin working on the issues that will safeguard your marriage in the future. Because if you able to address these things, your doubts and worries should lessen.
There was a time when I thought I would never get over my husband's affair and that I could never trust him again, but this is in the past. Although I never would've believed this two years ago, my marriage is stronger. It took a lot of work, and I had to play the game to win, but it was worth it. Because of all the work I did on myself, my self esteem is at an all time high. I no longer worry my husband will cheat again. You can read a very personal story on my blog at