How to Set Default Auto Archive Settings in Microsoft Outlook
- 1). Click "Tools" on the toolbar. Click "Options." The "Options" dialog box will open. Click on the "Other" tab.
- 2). Click the "Auto Archive" button next to "Manage Mailbox Size by Deleting Old Items or Moving them to an Archive File and by Deleting Expired Items." The "Auto Archive" dialog box will open.
- 3). Select the check box next to "Run Auto Archive Every (blank) Days." Enter your desired number in the drop-down box. Choose whether or not you want to be prompted before Auto Archive runs by selecting or de-selecting the "Prompt" check box.
- 4). Choose your desired items under "During Auto Archive." You can choose to have Auto Archive delete expired items, archive or delete old items, or show your Archive folder in your "Folders" list. You can set the amount of time you want items archived, choose a location for old items or choose to permanently delete old items.
- 5). Click the "Apply These Settings to All Folders Now" button to enable your new settings. Click "OK" to close the "Auto Archive" dialog box, then click "OK" to close the "Options" dialog box.