un tampon
Definition: stopper, plug, wad, swab; tampon; stamp; buffer
Je vais boucher cette voie d'eau avec un tampon de bois - I'm going to plug this leak with a wooden stopper
Il a besoin d'un tampon pour vernir la table - He needs a pad to varnish the table.
Je n'aime pas les tampons ; je préfère les serviettes hygiéniques - I don't like tampons; I prefer sanitary napkins.
Elle sert de tampon entre les gens qui disputent - She serves as a buffer between people who are disputing.
(invariable adj) - buffer
C'est une zone tampon - It's a buffer zone
Note: Tampon is a semi-false cognate in English, in which it has only one meaning.
(click the little graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [ta(n) po(n)]
Je vais boucher cette voie d'eau avec un tampon de bois - I'm going to plug this leak with a wooden stopper
Il a besoin d'un tampon pour vernir la table - He needs a pad to varnish the table.
Je n'aime pas les tampons ; je préfère les serviettes hygiéniques - I don't like tampons; I prefer sanitary napkins.
Elle sert de tampon entre les gens qui disputent - She serves as a buffer between people who are disputing.
(invariable adj) - buffer
C'est une zone tampon - It's a buffer zone
Note: Tampon is a semi-false cognate in English, in which it has only one meaning.
(click the little graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [ta(n) po(n)]