How to Change Trunk Struts
- 1). Purchase new struts for your vehicle, available at larger auto parts stores or online.
- 2). Open the trunk. Support the trunk with a golf club, baseball bat or something similar to keep it from falling while you replace the struts on either side of the trunk.
- 3). Remove one strut at a time. Inspect both ends of the strut to determine how it is fastened to the vehicle. Many vehicles use a bolt at the bottom of the strut that fastens to the trunk and a clip at the top that fastens the strut to the trunk or hatch.
- 4). Unscrew the bolt at the bottom of the strut with a socket and ratchet. If it is not held on with a bolt, remove the clip that holds it in place or simply pull it off if it is a ball and socket type.
- 5). Remove the opposite end of the strut from where it fastens to the trunk or hatch. It will likely be held on with a clip, or it may be a ball and socket set that simply clips into place. If it is a clip type, you may need to press down on a small tab to release it from the hatch.
- 6). Install the strut in the opposite manner that the old strut was removed. Install the bottom first with the bolt or the clip. Install the top so the strut is fastened to the trunk. Repeat the process to remove and install the strut on the opposite side of the trunk.