How to Decorate Face Masks
- 1). Pour paint onto a paint tray or paper plate. Paint the mask. Paint a face, animal, designs or patterns. For example, you can paint a tiger face.
- 2). Let the paint dry. Wash out the brushes while you wait.
- 3). Use the white glue to attach feathers, sequins and buttons to the mask. You may need to hold an item in place for a couple minutes to keep it in place. Use the items to make parts of the face, hair and more. For example, use buttons for the eyes and nose.
- 4). Once the glue is about halfway dry, wipe off excess with a damp paper towel.
- 5). Let the glue dry before using.
- 1). To make a traditional face, use the paint to make a wide mouth, eyes, nose and eyebrows. Many masks have some type of decoration on the cheek as well. Glue feathers on the top to make a headdress.
- 2). Make a mummy by painting the face white or tan. Paint basic facial features. Use the glue to attach crepe paper to the face.
- 3). Make a zebra by painting the mask white. Paint the facial features. Paint black stripes. If you want a more three-dimensional look, use buttons for the eyes and nose.
General Decorating
Specific Designs