How Magnets Affect Plants
- Magnets are objects that produce invisible fields of magnetism through the motion of their negatively charged electrons. They attract or repel ferrous materials such as cobalt, iron, nickel and steel. The Earth is one giant magnet as a result of currents flowing deep within its liquid core. Manufactured magnets are produced by the creation of metal rods, tubes, spheres and other molded shapes, which are then charged with an electromagnetic current.
- Magnets are a vital part of modern life. More important than just decorative and handy refrigerator ornaments, magnets are used in the motors and generators that power everything from heaters and lighting systems to telephones, television sets and computers. Powerful electromagnets are also the technology behind magnetic levitation used for maglev trains.
- Biomagnetic experiments, in which seeds and plants were magnetized, have shown that those treated with magnetism developed deeper root systems and sprouted more quickly than those in untreated control groups. Some seed distributors magnetize their products and tout them as producing better quality, higher-yielding plants.
- Experiments have also determined that magnetized water fed to plants has a positive effect on them. It is believed that because the process increases the filtering and solubility properties of the water, it also allows plants to receive more nutrients from the soil and applied fertilizers
Magnetized Water