Tools for Hanging Cedar Siding
- Cedar siding adds a rustic look to any structure. With its beautiful red color, bold grain and natural resistance to rot and pests, cedar has earned a well-deserved reputation as one of the world's best building materials. As siding, it is a long- lasting alternative to vinyl or steel. With a soft texture and open grain it is easily workable with standard wood working tools.
- Cedar cuts easily and is not particularly hard on blades or tools. Be careful near edges, especially in very dry lumber, the open grain tends to split easily.
Use a circular saw for quick, easy cuts. Power miter saws are great for bulk cutting for large projects. Table saws are convenient for ripping siding for narrow applications.
Jigsaws and coping saws are perfect for cutting notches around electrical, plumbing and other cables and pipes. Use a sawzall for making cuts on attached pieces. Use fine-tooth blades to reduce the likelihood of splintering.
Handsaws also can be used. Edges can be rounded with a router, and power sanders work well for smoothing out rough edges. - Attaching cedar siding is fairly straight forward. Drilling pilot holes for nails and screws can help to prevent splits and cracking. Be sure to use stainless steel or treated decking screws and nails to avoid corrosion and streaking.
Use a cordless drill to drive screws to hang cedar siding. Counter sinking your holes will aid in making sure the siding can be tightened down completely. Use a hammer and nails for hanging siding. Nails with large, flat heads, such as roofing nails are best for attaching cedar siding. Small, narrow finishing nails may pull through the surface of the siding.
Automatic roofing nailers can be used. Stay back from the edge of the material to insure that the material does not split unnecessarily. Adjust the settings on your plunger to avoid setting the nails too deep, which will cause breakage. Avoid pin nailers, staplers and framing nailers. The fasteners used with these tools are not the best for cedar siding. - Careful measuring is the key to successful siding installation. Cutting pieces accurately begins with proper measurements.
Use a quality, heavy duty tape measure and check to make sure the folded end is straight. Measure the area that each piece will be installed in, including any obstructions that need to be worked around. Double check measurements before cutting to avoid wasting material. Using the same tape for measuring the install area and marking the material will help to insure a proper fit. Bent tape ends and difference in brands can sometimes lead to errors.
Use a carpenter's square to mark straight ends on the boards to be cut. This will make for smoother joints and ends on your project. Always check "factory" ends to make sure they are square. Gaps at the ends of boards contribute to sloppy joints.
Use a level to make sure your runs are straight on the wall. Marking lines with a level can give you a good idea of where each run should be attached.