Women Like Passionate Men
Want to impress a girl?
If you do then begin right now to get passionate about the things that you do. Passion comes down to wanting to do something, anything, the best that it has ever been done before. To do this you need to care deeply about what you are doing. You need to care about it with every fiber of your being.
You don't need to be passionate about everything that you do as long as there is one thing that truly drives you to be your best. You need to develop a mission that impels you beyond all measure to be the best. Women are and have always been deeply attracted to men that have overwhelming passions of one kind or another.
Some men can find great passion in a career choice, or a financial destination. While others are driven by personal causes or their art. There are even those that find their greatest passion in women themselves. You need to find that thing that drives you, no matter what it is, and you need to go full tilt into it. A highly driven man often times does not even need to expend too much energy in approaching women since most women are highly attracted to them and to their power and drive.
Let your passions choose you and don't think that you need to do what the status quo is doing. You can't fake true passion so be ready to let yourself follow them and find a power in them. A passionate life will animate your being and will greatly improve your success rate with the opposite sex.
I am sure that you know right now what you are passionate about. Its possible that you don't feel that this passion is something that is worthy of your time, or perhaps you feel that it's not a passionate that women will find too sexy. But you must understand that women most often times are not really interested in your choice of passions so much as they are interested in that force and drive that you manifest. A strong passion is like a power generator that attracts women like moths to a bright light.
If you do then begin right now to get passionate about the things that you do. Passion comes down to wanting to do something, anything, the best that it has ever been done before. To do this you need to care deeply about what you are doing. You need to care about it with every fiber of your being.
You don't need to be passionate about everything that you do as long as there is one thing that truly drives you to be your best. You need to develop a mission that impels you beyond all measure to be the best. Women are and have always been deeply attracted to men that have overwhelming passions of one kind or another.
Some men can find great passion in a career choice, or a financial destination. While others are driven by personal causes or their art. There are even those that find their greatest passion in women themselves. You need to find that thing that drives you, no matter what it is, and you need to go full tilt into it. A highly driven man often times does not even need to expend too much energy in approaching women since most women are highly attracted to them and to their power and drive.
Let your passions choose you and don't think that you need to do what the status quo is doing. You can't fake true passion so be ready to let yourself follow them and find a power in them. A passionate life will animate your being and will greatly improve your success rate with the opposite sex.
I am sure that you know right now what you are passionate about. Its possible that you don't feel that this passion is something that is worthy of your time, or perhaps you feel that it's not a passionate that women will find too sexy. But you must understand that women most often times are not really interested in your choice of passions so much as they are interested in that force and drive that you manifest. A strong passion is like a power generator that attracts women like moths to a bright light.