Eco-Fascists, Utopia, And Destroying The Modern World
Global Warming and 'Climate Change' are two of the most dangerous and fraudulent campaigns in history.
Advocates of human-induced climate change howl that Marxist solutions to save the earth goddess are mandatory.
The eco-fascists, like all fascist-utopians demand the immediate destruction of the unheroic, selfish, ego-centric modern world to appease the cult - in this case to 'save our earth goddess'.
Al Gore's brave new world of Marxist-environmental fantasy would increase taxes, destroy industry, shrink markets and increase poverty in the third world.
Is that the type of society you want to live in? If it is you are as mentally unhinged and unstable as the fanatics that supported Hitlerism and Communism - all in the name of a 'brave new utopia' which would replace 'decadent liberalism'.
Kyoto as an example of the eco-fascist pre-modern cult, is a monstrosity of redistribution from clean, richer nations, to poorer, dirtier countries.
There is no science to support human induced climate change.
There is certainly no reason to destroy the modern world to feed the egotistical political aspirations of Al Gore, the Sierra Club, or politicians that want to win elections and think that the eco-fascist club is their ticket to power.
The science on climate change is bafflingly incoherent but a small list suffices to show the insipidity of the concept.
In fact the junk science put forward by Gore and his minions is so bad 19.
000 climatologists have signed a protocol against the idea of human centric climate change.
Why should our world be destroyed if there is no evidence to support eco-fascist assertions? [see below for a list of simple questions that the eco-warriors cannot answer].
Any rational, objective observer can list some commonsensical rejections of human induced climate-change baloney.
These would include the fact that CO2 is not a toxin but a necessary natural gas; that climate change is caused by the earth's distance to the sun; that there are 1 million variables in the climate making 'climate models' a mockery; that the earth's temperature today is 14 C on average which has been the mean temperature for the past 150 years; that 1000 years ago it was warmer than today; that the Antarctic is increasing in mass; that sea levels have risen by 1.
5 feet in the past 100 years without massive flooding [vs.
1 foot between today and 2100]- just to name a few.
Yet the eco-fascists and their government-political puppets persist.
For less than $100 billion the rich world could provide clean water and sanitation to all the poorer people of the world.
Yet for 100 times that investment we must destroy our economies; transfer money to polluting nations; and 'cap CO2' emissions to satisfy government activists who cry about climate-change.
Such concepts will actually make people in both the richer and poorer nations worse off, derail trade, curtail investments in poorer nations and shrink national GDPs by 3-4% on average.
It is madness.
There is no evidence that poorer states are cleaner than richer states - but lots of evidence to support the converse.
If Kyoto or some idiotic eco-fascist scheme like it were to become policy, then the average person in a rich country would end up paying about $4000 more per year, in taxes and fees.
It is estimated that richer, cleaner countries such as Canada and the US would transfer to Russia, Asia and other poorer, dirtier areas of the globe, about USD$20-25 Billion per annum, in addition to seeing their domestic GDP shrink by 2-4%.
Why would politicians willingly transfer money to these areas of the world when the receiving countries have no interest in limiting so-called 'greenhouse gas emissions' - 95 % of which is water vapor - and derail their domestic economies in so doing? Maybe before committing collective eco-fascist suicide the eco-warriors can answer some simple questions: 1.
Why is CO2 a toxin and not a beneficial natural gas? 2.
Why were CO2 levels higher 10.
000 years ago at the end of the last major ice age? 3.
Why are CO2 levels higher today than during the far warmer Miocene period 17 million years ago? 4.
Why is water vapor emission a danger to our planet? 5.
Why is Antarctica growing in size? 6.
Why didn't the 1.
5 foot rise in sea level in the past century destroy us? 7.
Why will a 1.
0 foot rise in sea level by 2100 wipe out Holland, New York and Shanghai? 8.
Why did Russia and Eastern Europe have the coldest winter in history in 2003? 9.
Why was the earth's temperature warmer circa 1100 AD than today? 10.
Why was the earth's temperature warmer 2.
5 million years ago? 11.
Isn't the earth's relationship to the sun the real determinant of climate? If not why not? 12.
What happened to the 1975 panic about Global Cooling? If one starts to answer the questions, you will very quickly find that there is no 'science' on climate change.
Any system that has 1 million variables cannot be 'modeled'; any system that shows such variations over time cannot be forecasted; any system that shows such unpredictability by definition cannot be 'predicted'.
Your local weather station has trouble forecasting last night's weather, let alone the world circa 2100 A.
So if the science is non-existent and the warnings extreme what the heck is going on? 'Greenism' or eco-fascism buys votes and power.
It is an abstract 'soft' and moralizing program of nonsense that feels good.
Love babies, 'feel your pain', be 'concerned' about social inequality, rewrite history, and promote the green agenda.
Easy steps to power! The earth goddess and eco-fascist cult is nothing more than a Marxist charade to buy votes.
'Vote for me, I care about your children's, children's, children's future! [hand on heart, tears pouring down cheeks].
Who can resist that! By installing the earth goddess cult into political debate politicians are able to do a number of things.
First, they can buy off the green, left wing and eco-cult vote.
Second, they can raise taxes and hire more union members in the name of love, the future, our children's green space, saving the world, and other platitudes routinely employed to buy votes.
Third, they can denigrate capitalism, growing economies and market dynamics by offering government as the only solution to solve an incurable 'market failure'.
Lastly they can resurrect the sorry paganism of the noble savage, the stone-age nirvana of the earth goddess cult, as they transfer monies from the rich immoral northern part of the world, to the corrupt, polluted and failing areas of Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe.
The modern eco-fascist is the green's echo of the pagan fascisms of Hitlerite Germany or the Lenin-Stalinist Russian model.
For the modern eco-fascist the pagan earth goddess cult is a program of intolerance designed to 'liberate' us from the evils of the modern world.
For these fascists it is more important to have an agenda of utopian promise by destroying the 'decadent liberalism' of the modern world, than using common-sense and rationality to improve it.
Lock-step, with arms swinging goes the modern eco-fascist...
clutching their Al Gore bibles, looking to their Fuehrer for salvation.
Advocates of human-induced climate change howl that Marxist solutions to save the earth goddess are mandatory.
The eco-fascists, like all fascist-utopians demand the immediate destruction of the unheroic, selfish, ego-centric modern world to appease the cult - in this case to 'save our earth goddess'.
Al Gore's brave new world of Marxist-environmental fantasy would increase taxes, destroy industry, shrink markets and increase poverty in the third world.
Is that the type of society you want to live in? If it is you are as mentally unhinged and unstable as the fanatics that supported Hitlerism and Communism - all in the name of a 'brave new utopia' which would replace 'decadent liberalism'.
Kyoto as an example of the eco-fascist pre-modern cult, is a monstrosity of redistribution from clean, richer nations, to poorer, dirtier countries.
There is no science to support human induced climate change.
There is certainly no reason to destroy the modern world to feed the egotistical political aspirations of Al Gore, the Sierra Club, or politicians that want to win elections and think that the eco-fascist club is their ticket to power.
The science on climate change is bafflingly incoherent but a small list suffices to show the insipidity of the concept.
In fact the junk science put forward by Gore and his minions is so bad 19.
000 climatologists have signed a protocol against the idea of human centric climate change.
Why should our world be destroyed if there is no evidence to support eco-fascist assertions? [see below for a list of simple questions that the eco-warriors cannot answer].
Any rational, objective observer can list some commonsensical rejections of human induced climate-change baloney.
These would include the fact that CO2 is not a toxin but a necessary natural gas; that climate change is caused by the earth's distance to the sun; that there are 1 million variables in the climate making 'climate models' a mockery; that the earth's temperature today is 14 C on average which has been the mean temperature for the past 150 years; that 1000 years ago it was warmer than today; that the Antarctic is increasing in mass; that sea levels have risen by 1.
5 feet in the past 100 years without massive flooding [vs.
1 foot between today and 2100]- just to name a few.
Yet the eco-fascists and their government-political puppets persist.
For less than $100 billion the rich world could provide clean water and sanitation to all the poorer people of the world.
Yet for 100 times that investment we must destroy our economies; transfer money to polluting nations; and 'cap CO2' emissions to satisfy government activists who cry about climate-change.
Such concepts will actually make people in both the richer and poorer nations worse off, derail trade, curtail investments in poorer nations and shrink national GDPs by 3-4% on average.
It is madness.
There is no evidence that poorer states are cleaner than richer states - but lots of evidence to support the converse.
If Kyoto or some idiotic eco-fascist scheme like it were to become policy, then the average person in a rich country would end up paying about $4000 more per year, in taxes and fees.
It is estimated that richer, cleaner countries such as Canada and the US would transfer to Russia, Asia and other poorer, dirtier areas of the globe, about USD$20-25 Billion per annum, in addition to seeing their domestic GDP shrink by 2-4%.
Why would politicians willingly transfer money to these areas of the world when the receiving countries have no interest in limiting so-called 'greenhouse gas emissions' - 95 % of which is water vapor - and derail their domestic economies in so doing? Maybe before committing collective eco-fascist suicide the eco-warriors can answer some simple questions: 1.
Why is CO2 a toxin and not a beneficial natural gas? 2.
Why were CO2 levels higher 10.
000 years ago at the end of the last major ice age? 3.
Why are CO2 levels higher today than during the far warmer Miocene period 17 million years ago? 4.
Why is water vapor emission a danger to our planet? 5.
Why is Antarctica growing in size? 6.
Why didn't the 1.
5 foot rise in sea level in the past century destroy us? 7.
Why will a 1.
0 foot rise in sea level by 2100 wipe out Holland, New York and Shanghai? 8.
Why did Russia and Eastern Europe have the coldest winter in history in 2003? 9.
Why was the earth's temperature warmer circa 1100 AD than today? 10.
Why was the earth's temperature warmer 2.
5 million years ago? 11.
Isn't the earth's relationship to the sun the real determinant of climate? If not why not? 12.
What happened to the 1975 panic about Global Cooling? If one starts to answer the questions, you will very quickly find that there is no 'science' on climate change.
Any system that has 1 million variables cannot be 'modeled'; any system that shows such variations over time cannot be forecasted; any system that shows such unpredictability by definition cannot be 'predicted'.
Your local weather station has trouble forecasting last night's weather, let alone the world circa 2100 A.
So if the science is non-existent and the warnings extreme what the heck is going on? 'Greenism' or eco-fascism buys votes and power.
It is an abstract 'soft' and moralizing program of nonsense that feels good.
Love babies, 'feel your pain', be 'concerned' about social inequality, rewrite history, and promote the green agenda.
Easy steps to power! The earth goddess and eco-fascist cult is nothing more than a Marxist charade to buy votes.
'Vote for me, I care about your children's, children's, children's future! [hand on heart, tears pouring down cheeks].
Who can resist that! By installing the earth goddess cult into political debate politicians are able to do a number of things.
First, they can buy off the green, left wing and eco-cult vote.
Second, they can raise taxes and hire more union members in the name of love, the future, our children's green space, saving the world, and other platitudes routinely employed to buy votes.
Third, they can denigrate capitalism, growing economies and market dynamics by offering government as the only solution to solve an incurable 'market failure'.
Lastly they can resurrect the sorry paganism of the noble savage, the stone-age nirvana of the earth goddess cult, as they transfer monies from the rich immoral northern part of the world, to the corrupt, polluted and failing areas of Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe.
The modern eco-fascist is the green's echo of the pagan fascisms of Hitlerite Germany or the Lenin-Stalinist Russian model.
For the modern eco-fascist the pagan earth goddess cult is a program of intolerance designed to 'liberate' us from the evils of the modern world.
For these fascists it is more important to have an agenda of utopian promise by destroying the 'decadent liberalism' of the modern world, than using common-sense and rationality to improve it.
Lock-step, with arms swinging goes the modern eco-fascist...
clutching their Al Gore bibles, looking to their Fuehrer for salvation.