Is His Affair Over? 5 Ways To Know For Sure
Your husband had an affair. He says it is over and the two of you have decided, together, to put the marriage back together and work at rebuilding trust. For this to happen he will need to break-off all contact with the other woman. He will need to prove to you that his affair is over
Since you’ve lost total trust in him, the last thing you trust him to do is, anything. For that reason below is a list of things you can request he do to prove that he has broken-off contact with the other woman and doesn’t intend to see her again.
5 things that will help you feel less vulnerable when it comes to the other woman’s contact with your husband:
1. Tell him you want access to his phone, email accounts and social media accounts. That would mean him sharing his passwords with you and you being able to check those accounts at your will.
2. Ask him to email her, in your presence, and tell her that the relationship is over. He needs to be specific about the fact that there will be no further contact via text, phone and email or in person. Once that is done monitor his email account for any response from her. If she responds it is within your right to reply and let her know that she can no longer interfere in your marriage.
3. Watch him as he deletes her number from his phone and her address from his email account. You will also want him to remove her from any social media connections. When possible on email and social media insist that he block her from being able to contact him.
4. For added protection you can insist he change his email address and his phone number.
Make sure that his old email account is deleted and that you have access to his new account. Once he has a new phone number check your account with your cellphone provider for her number to make sure the other woman doesn’t have access to the new number and communication is continuing.
5. If he and the other woman work together tell him that you want proof that they have limited contact at work. If that entails him exposing the affair to his boss, so be it. If he was concerned about his reputation at work he wouldn’t have started an affair.
I don’t believe in putting thought into how your needs when it comes to rebuilding trust impacts him. Some experts advise women to not put too much pressure on their husband. I’m not sure how trust can be rebuilt until you are 100% sure the affair has ended and, in some situations that may mean him doing things that he finds uncomfortable.
If your marriage is going to survive his infidelity the goal has to be to heal the wound to the marriage. You can’t begin to heal that wound until the other woman is totally out of the picture. Don’t be surprised if he finds it hard to cut her off completely. It may take a few stops and starts for him to be able to break away cleanly.
How to tell he is no longer in contact with the other woman:
1. When he is willingly engaging in honest discourse about the affair and what needs to be done to restore the marriage.
2. He isn’t dismissing your feelings about the affair and your need to talk about those feelings. By being willing to listen and validate your feelings he is taking responsibility for his hurtful behavior.
3. The two of you have identified issues in your marriage that need to be fixed and are actively working, together, to make those changes.
4. You are both focusing on what makes the other happy.
Rebuilding trust after an affair takes time. It comes one step at a time. Be patient with yourself and him. You will be able to tell in your gut whether or not you are both on the same page when it comes to saving the marriage.