How to Split Clivia
- 1). Remove the mother plant from its container, paying careful attention to the root system. Rinse away potting soil and debris from the root ball with a garden hose or watering can. Soak the root system in a solution of one liter water and two drops naphthyl acetic acid, found at a local gardening supply center. Naphthyl acetic acid is an organic compound root hormone, commonly found under the brand name SUPERthrive. Allow the root system to soak in this solution for two hours.
- 2). Divide the offsets from the mother plant with a sharp knife. Slice at the base of the shoot, against the mother plant's trunk. Make a clean cut to avoid tearing the stem of the mother plant.
- 3). Dust the mother plant's wounds with sulfur powder. Lightly dust the cut ends of the shoots with the powder. Allow the shoots to dry for one hour before replanting in new pots.
- 4). Fill a garden pot with potting soil or other loam medium for planting. Soak the soil well, allowing the excess water to drain from the bottom of the pot. Dig a small hole in the center with a hand shovel and place the cutting 2 inches deep into the soil. Firm the soil around the base of the plant. Do not water the cutting for seven days. Repeat this repotting process with the mother plant.