Step-by-Step Information on How to Change an in Dash Ignition in a 1999 Pontiac Grand Am
- 1). Open the hood and unhook the Grand Am's negative cable from the battery, using a battery wrench. Pry trim bezel off the stereo and environment controls, using a trim tool. Pry the outer trim bezel off with the trim tool.
- 2). Unbolt the stereo head unit, using a socket wrench and 6-mm socket. Pull the head unit out of the dash. Disconnect the wiring harness and antenna cable from the back of the head unit.
- 3). Reach into the dash through the hole where the head unit was and unbolt the ignition switch, using the socket wrench and 6-mm socket.
- 4). Insert the ignition key into the switch and turn it to the "Run" position. Push down on the park/lock cable retainer and pull it off the ignition switch. Remove the key.
- 5). Disconnect the wiring harness connections from the ignition switch. Remove the old ignition switch through the hole in the dashboard, where the head unit mounts.
- 6). Reinsert the ignition key and turn it to the "Run" position. Push down on the ignition tumbler detent and pull the cylinder out of the switch with the key.
- 7). Insert the new ignition cylinder into the new switch. Remove the key to lock it into place.
- 8). Insert the new ignition switch into the dash, through the head unit mounting hole. Connect the wiring harnesses to the new switch. Reinsert the key, turn it to the "Run" position and install the park/lock cable.
- 9). Bolt the new ignition switch to the dash frame. Reinstall the stereo and dash trim by reversing their removal procedure. Reconnect the negative battery cable.