How to Build Self Esteem & Be Approachable
- 1). Stop doubting yourself. People with low self-esteem doubt their abilities, so the first step to improving your perception of yourself is believing that you can do it.
- 2). Realize your whole self. People with low self-esteem believe that each little thing they do wrong reflects poorly on their entire self. A tough time at work, in sports or any other area of life is not part of a larger pattern of personal failure. Acknowledge individual failures for what they are, and accept yourself no matter what.
- 3). Argue with your inner critic. Whenever you're moved to insult yourself, come up with a rebuttal. For example, if you've performed poorly at a sport, consider what you did well and visualize yourself improving. Acknowledge your failings, mitigate them with your success, envision improvement and move on.
- 4). Take care of yourself. Eat well, sleep well, dress well, get exercise and practice good hygiene. Taking care of yourself makes you feel better, and in doing so, you give yourself value. It's powerful to believe that you are worthy of your own care.
- 5). Reward and defend yourself. When you do well, celebrate. When you don't do well, realize and accept your failure without obsessing over it.
- 6). Consult a health professional. Sometimes self-esteem problems are so painful and debilitating that they require professional help. Therapists and counselors can help you explore why you feel bad about yourself, and they can help you work past those feelings.
- 1). Be approachable. People are drawn to those who are content. If you're in a corner fuming or if you look worried or upset, people will either be put off, or, out of courtesy, they won't bother you.
- 2). Overcome the fear of rejection. People with low self-esteem put up barriers and avoid introducing themselves--it's a way to make sure they won't be rejected. People with high self-esteem don't beat themselves up if someone doesn't like them. They simply accept themselves and move on.
- 3). Smile. In a room full of strangers, given the choice of someone who is smiling and someone who is wearing a vacant expression, people are drawn to the smiling person. Smile when you greet people, and smile to yourself. Happiness is attractive.
- 4). Greet people in a receptive way. Use a firm handshake, eye contact, a smile and a simple phrase like "it's good to see you."
- 5). Use better body language. Standing with your arms crossed sends a subtle signal that you're defending yourself or you want to be alone. People will pick up on this and will leave you be as a courtesy, or to avoid awkwardness.
Build Self Esteem
Be More Approachable