Will Knockout Roses Grow in Arizona?
- Knock Out was a 2000 All American Rose Selection winner, meaning it was chosen as the best rose of the year.
- Knock Out shrub roses offer disease resistance. The Arizona Cooperative Extension suggests rainbow Knock Out roses as a low-maintenance rose that will bloom repeatedly. The rainbow version of Knock Out has a yellow center that graduates to a pink outer edge.
- Heat resistance is of greater importance than cold tolerance within Arizona, according to the Arizona Cooperative Extension. Knock Out roses grow in zones 4 to 9, but good irrigation and watering are key. Roses prefer a neutral or somewhat acidic soil and direct sunlight.
- Due in part to favorable conditions within the low desert regions, gardeners in the desert Southwest face fewer issues with their roses than gardeners in the rest of the U.S., according to the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. Arizona roses experience a lesser number of both disease and pest problems.
- The time of year to plant roses in Arizona is winter, particularly the months of December and January; in northern portions of the state, plant in March or April, recommends the Arizona Cooperative Extension.
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