Martial Arts and Respect - What Not To Do
When you train for any discipline under the banner of martial arts, you will no longer put yourself first.
In fact, part of the training is about defending yourself, but more so about defending those who cannot defend themselves.
You will find a lot of opportunity in helping others when you focus on others in regards to your training and it will be very evident if you train in the correct manner.
There is a mental side to the world of fighting and it should instruct you on how to treat others with respect, even if they are an opponent.
There's no honor in dismantling someone into detriment, but rather focusing on changing the situation and controlling the chaos.
The following lessons learned are to highlight what not to do when studying martial arts as it is part of the respect that you will need to have for yourself and others as well.
Don't Show Off You've learned how to control your body, you can stretch and you can hit someone very fast.
That's not for you to go around chopping and hitting people.
There's no honor in going around your place of work chopping at people and showcasing your superior skill-set.
The honor is found in quiet, stability, and discipline.
There's nothing worse than someone constantly showing-off around town and trying to be funny or showing that they know more than others.
Use your skill when necessary and don't show off in an inappropriate manner.
Be Serious When Training If you're going to learn martial arts, you'll need to respect your body, the bodies of others, and the training facility that you're in.
Whether you're in a back alley garage or you are in a prestigious school, you need to treat it with respect.
When training, you should not laugh and joke about, focus on what you're doing and learn through motion.
If you don't know what is going on, if you get lost, don't use that as an excuse to crack wise, or to laugh.
Respectfully ask for instruction, and do so with respect.
Disciplining yourself in training is not a sprint, it's a marathon, take your time, be serious.
Tell Your Friends To Respect Your Training Some people will find out that you're training within the martial arts and will immediately ask you to show them some things or will start to puff their chests at the bar.
If they are putting you in situations where you may be hurt, or they will be hurt, it's time to have a talk.
Do not allow anyone to use you and your training as an excuse to disrespect you or themselves.
You're not training so that you can go around town beating up anyone that gets in your way or your friend's way.
Your friends should respect your wishes and you should respect your training enough to keep them from interfering with your life in an inappropriate manner.
Standing United We Pack a Punch
In fact, part of the training is about defending yourself, but more so about defending those who cannot defend themselves.
You will find a lot of opportunity in helping others when you focus on others in regards to your training and it will be very evident if you train in the correct manner.
There is a mental side to the world of fighting and it should instruct you on how to treat others with respect, even if they are an opponent.
There's no honor in dismantling someone into detriment, but rather focusing on changing the situation and controlling the chaos.
The following lessons learned are to highlight what not to do when studying martial arts as it is part of the respect that you will need to have for yourself and others as well.
Don't Show Off You've learned how to control your body, you can stretch and you can hit someone very fast.
That's not for you to go around chopping and hitting people.
There's no honor in going around your place of work chopping at people and showcasing your superior skill-set.
The honor is found in quiet, stability, and discipline.
There's nothing worse than someone constantly showing-off around town and trying to be funny or showing that they know more than others.
Use your skill when necessary and don't show off in an inappropriate manner.
Be Serious When Training If you're going to learn martial arts, you'll need to respect your body, the bodies of others, and the training facility that you're in.
Whether you're in a back alley garage or you are in a prestigious school, you need to treat it with respect.
When training, you should not laugh and joke about, focus on what you're doing and learn through motion.
If you don't know what is going on, if you get lost, don't use that as an excuse to crack wise, or to laugh.
Respectfully ask for instruction, and do so with respect.
Disciplining yourself in training is not a sprint, it's a marathon, take your time, be serious.
Tell Your Friends To Respect Your Training Some people will find out that you're training within the martial arts and will immediately ask you to show them some things or will start to puff their chests at the bar.
If they are putting you in situations where you may be hurt, or they will be hurt, it's time to have a talk.
Do not allow anyone to use you and your training as an excuse to disrespect you or themselves.
You're not training so that you can go around town beating up anyone that gets in your way or your friend's way.
Your friends should respect your wishes and you should respect your training enough to keep them from interfering with your life in an inappropriate manner.
Standing United We Pack a Punch