Inner Thigh Exercises With Weights
- Toning your inner thighs will result in shapely, toned legs.runner's legs image by jimcox40 from
Most women hate their inner thighs and view toning these hidden muscles as an unreachable dream. Having your own set of dynamite thighs, toned and trim, does not have to remain an untouchable hope but can become a personal reality. With a mixture of consistency and toning exercises, you can transform your thighs from flabby to fit without ever stepping foot in a gym. - You will feel the burn when you perform this ballerina-like exercise with a pair of 2- to 3-lb. ankle weights on each leg. Begin standing with your hands resting on the back of a sturdy chair. Stand tall with your abdominal muscles tightened. Keeping your right leg straight and your foot flexed and slightly turned out, lift your right leg over your left leg as far as it can comfortably stretch. Swing your right leg as far up and to the right as you are able. Perform this same move 10 times, then switch to swinging your left leg across your right leg and then back to the left as far as you are able. Keep your posture tall and your legs straight for each repetition. Complete two sets of 10 repetitions on each side.
- This exercise relaxes your back while toning your inner thighs. Wear 2- to 3-lb. dumbbells on each ankle while performing this pilates move. Begin this exercise laying on your back, with your legs straight out in front of you and your toes pointed. Rest your arms next to you with your palms against the floor. Lift your left leg up until your toes point to the ceiling, and turn your entire leg out slightly. Draw imaginary circles on the ceiling by moving your entire leg five times clockwise and five times counterclockwise. Keep your leg absolutely straight and your hips resting on the floor during the entire exercise. Lower your left leg to the ground, then pick up your right leg and repeat the clockwise and counterclockwise circle motions. Continue switching legs until you have completed five sets of 10 circles for each leg.
- Lunges work your entire leg and bottom, and they even tone your abdominal muscles. Wearing your 2- to 3-lb. ankle weights for this exercise will add resistance and double the results of your workout. Begin this exercise standing with your feet hip-width apart and holding 5- to 8-lb. dumbbells in each hand. Step your left leg forward without moving the left knee beyond your left ankle. When you lunge forward, your right knee should come down to an inch above from the ground. Hold your left leg at an angle with your weight pressing into your heel. Straighten your right leg then lower it again to an inch from the floor. Perform as many lunges as you can with your left leg for 30 seconds, then switch to lunging with your right leg for 30 seconds.
Outer and Inner Thigh Kick Stretch
Single-Leg Circle
Lunges With Dumbbells