Abusing Medications in the 21st Century - Psychiatric Drug Pushing
What if the biggest abuser of drugs wasn't a 'drug addict'? Who is behind the abuse of drug use? It may not be who you think.
Drugs were once sold in Drug Stores; now pharmaceuticals are sold in pharmacys.
Pills are now called med's.
Mustard gas is now marketed as AIDS medication.
Chlorine once used for the genocide of a race is now added to drinking water and swimming pools.
It's as though the toxic waste that once was is being sold back to you and me through deception and lies.
Fluoride is put into public water systems as it makes people's attitudes more pliable -- meaning suggestible to others.
The toxins of yesterday are the panaceas of today.
The Snake Oil Salesman Wears A White Coat Snake oil is a colloquial term for something sold as medicine but worthless.
Perhaps snake oil is too kind a term for toxic waste? Every product needs a salesman.
When a salesman puts on a white coats and claims impartial authority, the well intentioned public get scammed.
Let's find out how sales and marketing of 'snake oil' precedes real medical conditions.
A pharmaceutical company has created a pill that partially mimics a natural body process.
It must partially mimic it as naturally occurring foods, hormones, enzymes, neuro-transmitters, etc are not patentable.
So to patent and therefore have a monopoly on a drug for 20 years with an extra 5 year option a pharmaceutical manufacturer will alter nature to protect its creation.
Patent + Profit = Marketable Pharmaceutical Who's going to sell this wonder drug? What if there were no real proof that a disease existed and that the pharmaceutical was necessary? One would need a salesman to not only 'find' the disease, but also be somewhat beyond question or reproach.
This is really backward thinking, I'm sure you're saying to yourself.
Why not just try to help people improve by treating real conditions? Good question.
If The Disease Doesn't Exist, Call It A Disorder Calling a ADD or SAD or OCD a disease would be cause for malpractice lawsuits, as no disorder can be accurately measured, predicted, diagnosed or proven to actually exist; ie 'disorder' is a psych spin term used instead of 'disease'.
But disorders and diseases are given similar legitimacy for one reason only: Disorders are written in a manual created by pharmaceutical salesman, ie psychiatrists.
The psychiatric 'bible' is called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) IV.
Oddly, there are no statistics in this manual.
One needs to believe this manual as no markers are given for an honest doctor to measure and find out if a patient truly has the condition listed.
The DSM IV was created to sell drugs.
But mostly the DSM IV was created to give psychiatrists a means to drug people, get paid for it and not go to jail for medical malpractice.
Who's Your Doctor? Is your doctor or psychiatrist a drug dealer with medical malpractice insurance? That insurance commands the protection of Medical Associations' lawyers and legal teams.
Most of the lawyers are paid for by the pharmaceutical companies whose drugs the psychs were selling.
Unless one has a strong legal team and lots of money, you might be a small fish against these sharks.
Perhaps the real enemy of the piece is the drug dealer? As a society, we often condemn the drug dealer and rightly so.
A pound of cocaine wouldn't be harming any family if it wasn't sold by a dealer.
Pharmaceuticals would sit in drug stores untouched if it wasn't for psychiatrists creating phony disorders then dealing the drugs via prescription.
So Where Are We Now? Remember Huxley's 'Brave New World'? Well there is a drug called Soma on the market already.
Kids are being drugged by psychs, sometimes before 2 years old; some pre-natal.
Today the pills sending more people to the hospital than illicit drugs are pharmaceuticals.
Now if someone acts out against authority, the automatic reaction is to drug them (medicate).
In Huxley's fiction, people took their meds voluntarily.
Alcohol and oxygen starvation actions were overtly committed on the young to retard mental growth.
Today, drugs like Ecstasy, methaphetamine and marijuana are taken by youth.
These drugs perform similar functions.
E and meth restrict blood flow to the brain and weed smoking results in brain degeneration, especially in the learning centers.
if You're Still With Me, It's Getting Bleak, But Let's See What We Can Do First, here are a list of books to read or sites to see.
A UBC book, "Selling Sickness", Moynihan and Cassels; "The ADHD Fraud", Baughman Jr; "Psychiatry, The Ultimate Betrayal", Wiseman; "Psychiatry: An Industry of Death" CCHR (internet); "Clear Body Clear Mind", Hubbard; TrueHope.
com (internet) this last one is the most vital for your well being.
Second, get healthy.
A good start is to review EnCognitive.
com on the net.
Get yourself informed and sift out the lies that have only confused and upset this culture.
Remember, manipulation of a person requires their consent or agreement.
We are all free beings first and foremost.
Third, get active with natural health movements.
They are leading the way to a drug-free future for the new generations.
Remember, yesterday was once the tomorrow we didn't expect to come so soon.
Hope you got that.
Drugs were once sold in Drug Stores; now pharmaceuticals are sold in pharmacys.
Pills are now called med's.
Mustard gas is now marketed as AIDS medication.
Chlorine once used for the genocide of a race is now added to drinking water and swimming pools.
It's as though the toxic waste that once was is being sold back to you and me through deception and lies.
Fluoride is put into public water systems as it makes people's attitudes more pliable -- meaning suggestible to others.
The toxins of yesterday are the panaceas of today.
The Snake Oil Salesman Wears A White Coat Snake oil is a colloquial term for something sold as medicine but worthless.
Perhaps snake oil is too kind a term for toxic waste? Every product needs a salesman.
When a salesman puts on a white coats and claims impartial authority, the well intentioned public get scammed.
Let's find out how sales and marketing of 'snake oil' precedes real medical conditions.
A pharmaceutical company has created a pill that partially mimics a natural body process.
It must partially mimic it as naturally occurring foods, hormones, enzymes, neuro-transmitters, etc are not patentable.
So to patent and therefore have a monopoly on a drug for 20 years with an extra 5 year option a pharmaceutical manufacturer will alter nature to protect its creation.
Patent + Profit = Marketable Pharmaceutical Who's going to sell this wonder drug? What if there were no real proof that a disease existed and that the pharmaceutical was necessary? One would need a salesman to not only 'find' the disease, but also be somewhat beyond question or reproach.
This is really backward thinking, I'm sure you're saying to yourself.
Why not just try to help people improve by treating real conditions? Good question.
If The Disease Doesn't Exist, Call It A Disorder Calling a ADD or SAD or OCD a disease would be cause for malpractice lawsuits, as no disorder can be accurately measured, predicted, diagnosed or proven to actually exist; ie 'disorder' is a psych spin term used instead of 'disease'.
But disorders and diseases are given similar legitimacy for one reason only: Disorders are written in a manual created by pharmaceutical salesman, ie psychiatrists.
The psychiatric 'bible' is called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) IV.
Oddly, there are no statistics in this manual.
One needs to believe this manual as no markers are given for an honest doctor to measure and find out if a patient truly has the condition listed.
The DSM IV was created to sell drugs.
But mostly the DSM IV was created to give psychiatrists a means to drug people, get paid for it and not go to jail for medical malpractice.
Who's Your Doctor? Is your doctor or psychiatrist a drug dealer with medical malpractice insurance? That insurance commands the protection of Medical Associations' lawyers and legal teams.
Most of the lawyers are paid for by the pharmaceutical companies whose drugs the psychs were selling.
Unless one has a strong legal team and lots of money, you might be a small fish against these sharks.
Perhaps the real enemy of the piece is the drug dealer? As a society, we often condemn the drug dealer and rightly so.
A pound of cocaine wouldn't be harming any family if it wasn't sold by a dealer.
Pharmaceuticals would sit in drug stores untouched if it wasn't for psychiatrists creating phony disorders then dealing the drugs via prescription.
So Where Are We Now? Remember Huxley's 'Brave New World'? Well there is a drug called Soma on the market already.
Kids are being drugged by psychs, sometimes before 2 years old; some pre-natal.
Today the pills sending more people to the hospital than illicit drugs are pharmaceuticals.
Now if someone acts out against authority, the automatic reaction is to drug them (medicate).
In Huxley's fiction, people took their meds voluntarily.
Alcohol and oxygen starvation actions were overtly committed on the young to retard mental growth.
Today, drugs like Ecstasy, methaphetamine and marijuana are taken by youth.
These drugs perform similar functions.
E and meth restrict blood flow to the brain and weed smoking results in brain degeneration, especially in the learning centers.
if You're Still With Me, It's Getting Bleak, But Let's See What We Can Do First, here are a list of books to read or sites to see.
A UBC book, "Selling Sickness", Moynihan and Cassels; "The ADHD Fraud", Baughman Jr; "Psychiatry, The Ultimate Betrayal", Wiseman; "Psychiatry: An Industry of Death" CCHR (internet); "Clear Body Clear Mind", Hubbard; TrueHope.
com (internet) this last one is the most vital for your well being.
Second, get healthy.
A good start is to review EnCognitive.
com on the net.
Get yourself informed and sift out the lies that have only confused and upset this culture.
Remember, manipulation of a person requires their consent or agreement.
We are all free beings first and foremost.
Third, get active with natural health movements.
They are leading the way to a drug-free future for the new generations.
Remember, yesterday was once the tomorrow we didn't expect to come so soon.
Hope you got that.