How to Make a Chain Out of Wrappers
- 1). Spread the chewing gum wrapper flat. Cut the opened wrapper in half lengthwise.
- 2). Fold each half of the gum wrapper in half lengthwise to create a crease. Open one of the folded wrappers and fold each half to the center crease line. Do the same with the second folded wrapper.
- 3). Fold each wrapper in half along the center crease line so that the two folded halves from Step 2 are face-to-face. Each wrapper is 2 1/2 inches long by 1/4 inch wide.
- 4). Make a center fold in each wrapper so that the ends are back-to-back. This fold makes a crease in the center of each wrapper. The dimensions of each wrapper are now 1 1/4 inches long by 1/4 inch wide.
- 5). Unfold the two wrappers so that they are 2 1/2 inches long again. Fold each end to the crease. Fold the crease in half so that the ends are face-to-face. You now have two links in the chain. Each chain has one center fold at one end and two loops at the opposite end.
- 6). Place one link on a flat surface so that the folded edges are facing up. Insert each loop end of the second link between the two loops at the end of the first link. Slide the first link upwards until the two loop ends rest against the center fold of the second link.
- 7). Create a chain of any length by making gum wrapper links and joining them together, loop end to loop end.