Dealing With Panic Attacks and Anxiety Disorder - Part 1 of 2
Have you seen those television commercials that focus on weight loss plans that work for the woman's husband, but not for her? It's absolutely true that one method of dealing with a situation is not going to work for everyone. We are all unique individuals, and coping with panic attacks-anxiety disorder [] is going to be different for each of us. Finding the right way to deal with your panic attacks is going to be an individualized journey, one that you must take control of and for which you must hold a high level of personal responsibility.
There is no magical incantation that can help you, but there are programs out there, such as Panic Away and the Linden Method, that can give you a firm leg up. If you purchase one of these programs, you will have taken the first step in lessening the frequency and severity of your attacks, and who knows? One of these strategies could turn out to be the perfect solution. Right now, though, either you or someone you love needs some help in dealing with panic attacks, which is why you are reading this. Consider the following to get you started.
Gaining an Understanding of Where it Starts
What we now know as the "fight or flight response" was first described way back in 1915 by Walter Cannon. This is a response that applies to humans as well as animals. In threatening situations, we make a subconscious choice to either run away or to stay and fight. Certain hormones are released into our system when this happens, and these can cause physical reactions - just a few of these are: accelerated heart beat or breathing; going pale or flushing, or alternating between the two; a slowing-down or speeding-up of digestive functions, including evacuation of the urinary tract or colon; and constriction of blood vessels in certain areas of the body. The fight or flight response is responsible for most panic attacks because the response can kick in inappropriately in certain situations. We can shut down entirely as the result of not knowing how to deal with the physiological changes that take place once these hormones are released.
Even though we know this is a natural response, we are left with the question of why it happens to us in certain situations that other people handle without such a response. What is the difference between those of us who suffer from panic attacks and those who don't? Consider this - do you typically choose to avoid confrontation? In circumstances where you know you should be standing up for yourself, do you usually back down? Is it hard for you to say "no" to things you really don't want to do? f you answered yes, then it could be that a lack of assertiveness is one of the key issues that you must address. Because, percentage-wise, men experience fewer panic attacks than women, this is thought to be one of the contributing factors. Men are far more likely to fight for themselves, while women are known for smoothing things over and attempting to maintain harmony. It should be said, however, that men can certainly face these same challenges, and there are great number who do.
Stay tuned for Part 2 of this report and find out how to take charge of your fight or flight response.
There is no magical incantation that can help you, but there are programs out there, such as Panic Away and the Linden Method, that can give you a firm leg up. If you purchase one of these programs, you will have taken the first step in lessening the frequency and severity of your attacks, and who knows? One of these strategies could turn out to be the perfect solution. Right now, though, either you or someone you love needs some help in dealing with panic attacks, which is why you are reading this. Consider the following to get you started.
Gaining an Understanding of Where it Starts
What we now know as the "fight or flight response" was first described way back in 1915 by Walter Cannon. This is a response that applies to humans as well as animals. In threatening situations, we make a subconscious choice to either run away or to stay and fight. Certain hormones are released into our system when this happens, and these can cause physical reactions - just a few of these are: accelerated heart beat or breathing; going pale or flushing, or alternating between the two; a slowing-down or speeding-up of digestive functions, including evacuation of the urinary tract or colon; and constriction of blood vessels in certain areas of the body. The fight or flight response is responsible for most panic attacks because the response can kick in inappropriately in certain situations. We can shut down entirely as the result of not knowing how to deal with the physiological changes that take place once these hormones are released.
Even though we know this is a natural response, we are left with the question of why it happens to us in certain situations that other people handle without such a response. What is the difference between those of us who suffer from panic attacks and those who don't? Consider this - do you typically choose to avoid confrontation? In circumstances where you know you should be standing up for yourself, do you usually back down? Is it hard for you to say "no" to things you really don't want to do? f you answered yes, then it could be that a lack of assertiveness is one of the key issues that you must address. Because, percentage-wise, men experience fewer panic attacks than women, this is thought to be one of the contributing factors. Men are far more likely to fight for themselves, while women are known for smoothing things over and attempting to maintain harmony. It should be said, however, that men can certainly face these same challenges, and there are great number who do.
Stay tuned for Part 2 of this report and find out how to take charge of your fight or flight response.