The Law of Christ

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Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
(1Co 13:7) To bear, believe, hope, and to endure is the law of Christ concerning those who follow after truth and righteousness.
Christians are, in a way, an island unto themselves, not being without an opportunity for others to have accessibility to us, but we have come out from among the world and have become a separated people, being separated from this world by the spirit of God and His Christ that dwells within us.
We Beareth all things.
To bear; to suffer without resentment, to have patience or to carry.
We have come to understand that we are to bear the infirmities of the weak, for not all men have the same level of faith.
For as it is written, show me your works without faith and Ill shall show you my works by faith.
Christians around the world today bear many afflictions, hatred, violence against themselves and their belief in Christ, persecution and discrimination.
Many laws have been and will continue to be written to subvert the Gospel and those that will carry it to the lost.
We suffer because the unrighteous fear the Gospel.
Christians have and will continue to suffer for the sake of the Gospel and are blessed for our efforts.
As the spirit of anti-Christ continues its attack on the followers of Christ, our persecution will continue to grow until the burdens of them will cause God to shorten the days so that the very elect will not be deceived.
The Lord will not allow burdens so great to be placed upon us so that we would fall, but with every temptation He will also make away for our escape, for our God is the God of patience, this is His promise to us and He will keep it.
With patience possess we our souls, for it is by patience we strive in the Gospel without fear and without doubt, for we know that whatever we do according to the Law of Christ we shall be, blessed, redeemed and delivered out of any bondage, strife or tribulation.
For we suffer without resentment, verbal abuse, hatred, persecution and all infirmities, for we are who we are by the will of God.
We believeth all things.
To believe; to have a firm persuasion of anything.
To expect or hope with confidence; to trust.
Christians believe in Christ and His word, without seeing, for blessed are those that have seen and believe but more blessed are those that have not seen and still believe.
As the world must see anything to believe, we who believe in Christ need no visible sign from Heaven that Christ is the Son of God, we need no visible sign that Christ walked on water, turned water into wine, healed the sick, made the blind to see, the dumb to speak, nor the deaf to hear.
We need no proof that Christ raised Lazarus from the dead, nor Himself being raised from the dead having victory over hell, death and the grave.
We have been introduced to a more sure word of prophecy, knowing that whatever the Lords word states will come to pass.
Even with the prophetic word of God, we know that trying to understand prophecy tells us that it is more often a combination of events that prophecy is fulfilled, but by faith and belief we know that all will be fulfilled.
Hopeth all things; Hope, Webster states hope as; A desire of some good, accompanied with at least a slight expectation of obtaining it, or a belief that it is obtainable.
Confidence in a future event; the highest degree of well-founded expectation of good; as a hope founded on God's gracious promises; a scriptural sense.
A well founded scriptural hope is, in our religion, the source of ineffable happiness.
A highest degree of well-founded expectation of good comes from again our faith and belief in God, His Son and His word.
Our hope and faith come from this well founded expectation of good coming from God, in reading and studying Gods word to show ourselves approved.
To have hope and faith in God we must read and understand His word.
Our understanding comes from the direction of the Holy Spirit of God who leads us and guides us into all truths.
This is the reason that the unrighteous and mockers cannot understand our faith and hope in things that they cannot see.
They cannot understand the word of God because it is spiritually discerned and without the leadership and teaching from the Holy Spirit no man can understand it.
We ask the Lord for wisdom and understanding in His word and He will in like give us our desires.
Our hope lies not with man, for who is man that The Lord should take notice of Him or who among men shall council the Lord.
Our hope lies not with the things that we can see, for the things that we see are not based upon hope.
Endureth all things.
Endure; to last; to continue in the same state without perishing; to remain; to abide.
To bear; to sustain; to support without breaking or yielding to force or pressure.
The word of God tells us that our worst enemies shall be those of our own household, our family, mom, dad, children and this is so in these end days.
There are many prophecies that describe the lengths that many of our family members will go to stop the propagation of the gospel and our faith in God.
Many other prophecies tell us that mockers shall wax worse and worse in the days leading up to the second coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
We are told that we will be hated, persecuted and delivered up to the courts to stop our faith in Christ.
All of these things are happening today, we see many court cases being brought forth against pastors, preachers and even lay members of the church.
Christianity is under attack even from our own government.
While false religions are given a free ride, political correctness has taken hold of our politicians and preaching the gospel has been vilified.
We must remember that those that are saved are saved indeed, And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
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