What Is Spiritual Healing?-How To Train?

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Often called energy healing, some often refer to it as the 'laying of hands'.Through out history, it has been shown that healng uses channelled energy from source and the universe that is drawn down through the 'healers' own energy channel and through their own hands.

"Chronic anger,hatred, bitterness, greed, hopelessness, loneiness and depression may lead to illness, because these negative emotions cause chakra imbalances that shut down the flow of pranic life energy to our vital organs" Gerber.R.(2000)pg51.

The energy which flows through the healer, sets out to rebalance, unblock and renew every cell that has become imbalanced and damaged. It is thought that every thought which is negative, emotional stress and unresolved issues in an individuals life also affects your energy levels. Through healing it helps to allieviate these issues but at this stage does not yet over take conventional medicine but sets out to complement it. 

What causes illness?

Whenever we hold stress, worries or negative thoughts, if this is not released, transmuted or healed.  Then at later periods, it is possible that it forms into different types of ailments.  For example: If you have a sore throat, the throat chakra may well be blocked. This is known to house expression and communication.  When this is blocked you could say you were "Stuck for words" or "I can't seem to get what I wanted to say off my chest". See Chakras for more information. The next time that you have a pain in the neck, ask yourself who IS that pain in the neck?.

"Ill health is a condition, a state of affairs in an energy system which is drawing attention to an imbalance or disharmony in that system and those that relate to it"Angelo.J.(2000).p22.

Healing either by spiritual methods, or using  Archangel Raphael's help, cutting cords with Archangel Michael's or releasing and being helped by conventional means.

The negativity stores into every relevant cell in our body and if not removed manifests into an illness. 

Who are the Healers?

We are all healers, one way or another we make someone happier. An act of kindness, a gesture of good will or even a notion of giving.  When we walk down a street and exchange conversation with a stranger, you do not know how you may have affected that individual for the day. That person could be lonely or have a hidden issue or numerous issues and you have just brightened up their day. It can change their lives.

You as an individual may hold an inner calling, to branch out into a variety of more spiritual practices. A we are individually evolving there is a need to help to assist the vast ray of population right now.  They are raising their own vibrational frequencies by shedding and letting go of our lower ones.  Some people will naturally be drawn to spiritual healing, others may not choose that path, as they have their own role to fulfill in life.

Either way it is best policy to be trained properly and become licenced if you want to perform healing on a more  professional spiritual level.  Spiritual Healing training has expanded increasingly across the UK and internationally especially over the past few years. The oldest and most recognized is the National Federation of Spiritual Healers.

They host a four part training programme which fully qualifies you to legally practice your healing whether this be in side the increasing number of hospitals, spiritual centres, churches and individuals. They have training worldwide and you can find further information on their own website here.

The National Federation of Spiritual Healers is being rebranded as The Healing Trust.

If you want to heal in a more generalised area and be open to future opportunities in healing overall. Currently, the University of Derby hold the only Honours Degree in the United Kingdom called B.A (Hons) in Healing Arts. It entails meditation, tai-chi, counselling skills, accupressure, practice of healing, the cause of illness and chinese medicine. These are a few of the modules on offer during the three year degree.

For further information please find additional information on

 B.A(HONS)Healing Arts- University of Derby(UK) 

Healing Energy and more

Most healers are sensitives and some people know it as sixth sense.  A healer works with patients energy systems such as the chakras and auric fields not the actual condition its self. That is one of the major differences between spiritual healing and the western medicine model.

As Spiritual healing advances it will also extend to up and coming areas such as becoming a medical intuitive. In the terms of using vibrational medicine within the context of healing the multidimensional health aspects of a patient. The in simpler terms means attending to the whole person, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Individuals such as Carolyn Myss Carolyn Myss- Medical Intuitive have successfully extended their medical model to provide energy and vibrational medicine to the next level.

A spiritual healer however channel unconditional love from  the source our creator, our universe. Enabling you to be filled with light and love and the ability to pass it on to the healee. The energy chakras and the auric field is restored  and balanced.

"Problems sometimes buried deep in the subconcious, are brought to the surface to be dealt with .  This is because the decision is part of the healers evolution as a person" Angelo.,J.(2000)p71.

It is that what is buried deep down which causes stress, upset and illness if not treated, to heal energetically,the healer helps to resurface the issues to be addressed and healed. This call from healing comes from sycronicity with the evolving spirit within the patient. It would surface at a time which is apprioprate for the issues or illness to be dealt with.It is advisable and practical to gain a counselling skills certificate in order to help assist this process.

In the secret gratitude book it explains "All energy vibrates at particular frequencies.  We are energy too, and so each of us is also vibrating at a frequency. Your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs determine the frequency that you vibrate at."

Once healing has taken place it will generally lift the person up. What is really happening is that the vibrancy has been raised and shifted the frequency within the individual to sometimes a higher plane.

However, some training programmes incorporate it into their training.  It is sound advice to go to the association you can resonate with, and request detailed course material, before choosing the right training for you.

This is a summary in regards to spirtual healing. The best source is following your own intuition and guidance from your heart. If you feel it pulling then spiritual healing maybe some thing of interest to you.

 Alliance of Healing Associations(AHA) An umbrella group of 25 Healing associations. It promotes and helps develop Spiritual Healing.

Harry Edwards Spirtual Healing Sanctuary A great indepth well researched information in Spiritual Healing.

World Federation of Healing Spiritual Healing on an international level.

Universal Association of Healers -Non- profit organisation promoting healing for all.  

If you wish to recieve distant healing or local hands on healing, Feel free to request this through supernaturalangels.org.uk. We are qualified to degree status in healing arts and with the national federation of healng aka The healing Trust.

We believe in the process of ascension, angels, virtues of life, healing and the sharing of spiritual experiences. Please join our forums to discuss other healing arts and spirituality you can find our link on our website
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