How to Make Cards & Newsletters
- 1). Use a utility knife and straight edge to cut clean, straight lines on your card stock paper so that the finished piece measures 7 inches wide by 8 1/2 inches tall.
- 2). Score your card vertically at 3 1/2 inches, which is half way between the card stock width. Fold the card stock in half along the scored line and then unfold it so that it lies nearly flat. Set aside.
- 3). Format your newsletter on your computer using a word processing program. Adjust the page margins on your document until the area for your printed page measures 6 1/2 inches wide by 8 inches tall. Set the page layout to "landscape."
- 4). Fill the document space with photos and text that capture the highlights of what you experienced in the past year. Write concise sentences and keep your information brief. Try to explain as much as possible using photos with two- to three-sentence captions. These techniques will make your newsletter more reader-friendly and aesthetically pleasing than a just solid block of text with a signature at the bottom.
- 5). Trim a piece of printer paper to measure 6 1/2 inches wide by 8 inches tall. Print one copy of your newsletter. Lay the trimmed piece of blank paper on top of your newsletter printout. Hold the two sheets up to the light and verify that the newsletter fits within the page margins. Adjust as necessary and print out the desired number of copies.
- 6). Use a straight edge and utility knife to trim newsletters to measure 6 1/2 inches wide by 8 inches tall. If you need more than one page for your newsletter, arrange the pages in order, lay them inside of the card stock, turn it over and staple the pages together so that the staple brackets are on the inside of the card.
- 7). Use scissors or a straight edge to cut ornaments out of the patterned paper. Glue the ornaments to the front of the card stock. Draw squiggly lines with a white or black gel pen from the ornaments to the top of the card stock. If desired, lay a strip of glue against the left side fold of the front card stock page and sprinkle glitter onto the glue.