What is Surrogate Or Proxy EFT?
Did you know that you can use EFT on behalf of somebody else, even if they are not there with you? If you have spent some time in the EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) community.
You will start to hear a phrase called surrogate EFT or proxy EFT, but what is it and how do you do it? Surrogate tapping is when you do the tapping for somebody else.
You do the tapping on yourself for the benefit of somebody else.
They don't need to be with you at the time.
This is really useful for parents who want to help their children or for people whom are unable to tap for themselves.
Before you even start tapping on behalf of somebody else, make sure you're all clear and emotionally "good".
Th EFT setup phrase normally comes in several flavors: Even though (name of person) has this problem, I deeply and completely accept (him/her/their name).
Even though (name of person) has this problem, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though (name of person) has this problem, (he/she/name of person) deeply and completely accepts (himself/herself).
You can even "be" the other person.
You imagine that you are the other person.
Even though I have this problem.
I deeply and completely accept myself.
You can also do it for groups as well.
You follow the same protocols for surrogate EFT as you normally would.
So yes, still take an emotional score, tap on all the points etc.
When you do surrogate tapping, as long as you have the other person's best interests at heart, all should be well.
This is about them experiencing emotional release, not controlling their will to do something.
Their outcome is purely an emotional release it is nothing to do or for you.
Surrogate EFT can still be used for their negative emotions, beliefs and limiting decisions.
Yet great success has been reported when using it for relief from physical pain and discomfort also.
Proxy EFT is really starting to see the conventional boundaries of EFT being pushed.
EFTers are really taking the phrase Try It On Everything to heart.
Some people are using it for animals and plants.
Emotional Freedom Techniques and how they are applied are only limited by your imagination and willingness to give it a go.
If you're not sure if you should or you can on something then you can use EFT to EFT that worry, anxiety or doubt away.
How many more people could you help on your next commute into town?
You will start to hear a phrase called surrogate EFT or proxy EFT, but what is it and how do you do it? Surrogate tapping is when you do the tapping for somebody else.
You do the tapping on yourself for the benefit of somebody else.
They don't need to be with you at the time.
This is really useful for parents who want to help their children or for people whom are unable to tap for themselves.
Before you even start tapping on behalf of somebody else, make sure you're all clear and emotionally "good".
Th EFT setup phrase normally comes in several flavors: Even though (name of person) has this problem, I deeply and completely accept (him/her/their name).
Even though (name of person) has this problem, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though (name of person) has this problem, (he/she/name of person) deeply and completely accepts (himself/herself).
You can even "be" the other person.
You imagine that you are the other person.
Even though I have this problem.
I deeply and completely accept myself.
You can also do it for groups as well.
You follow the same protocols for surrogate EFT as you normally would.
So yes, still take an emotional score, tap on all the points etc.
When you do surrogate tapping, as long as you have the other person's best interests at heart, all should be well.
This is about them experiencing emotional release, not controlling their will to do something.
Their outcome is purely an emotional release it is nothing to do or for you.
Surrogate EFT can still be used for their negative emotions, beliefs and limiting decisions.
Yet great success has been reported when using it for relief from physical pain and discomfort also.
Proxy EFT is really starting to see the conventional boundaries of EFT being pushed.
EFTers are really taking the phrase Try It On Everything to heart.
Some people are using it for animals and plants.
Emotional Freedom Techniques and how they are applied are only limited by your imagination and willingness to give it a go.
If you're not sure if you should or you can on something then you can use EFT to EFT that worry, anxiety or doubt away.
How many more people could you help on your next commute into town?