An Easy Way to Make a Paper Ship
- 1). Place the paper with the colored side up on a flat surface. Point one of the corners towards you.
- 2). Fold the paper in half from top corner to bottom corner. Crease and unfold. Fold in half again from left corner to right corner. Crease and unfold.
- 3). Fold the top corner down so that it meets the center crease.
- 4). Take the tip you just folded and fold it up again, creating a horizontal crease about an inch from the top (at about the 1/3 the length of the triangle). The tip will be a little bit above the edge of the paper. Fold the tip down so that it meets the edge of the paper.
- 5). Fold the paper in half, bringing the left side to the right side. The model will now have the non-colored side showing.
- 6). Create a diagonal fold along the model. The diagonal will begin about 1 inch below the center crease on the left edge and end slightly above the center crease on the right edge. When you make the fold, the top edge will form a horizontal line. Crease and unfold.
- 7). Unfold the entire paper (so you have one layer). Turn the paper 180 degrees so the sharp tip points upward.
- 8). Fold the model inwards along the crease lines you've created. Slowly fold along the center crease on the bottom half of the model, forming the top and inside part of the ship. At the same time, fold the top part of the ship inwards along the diagonal creases, revealing the colored side as the outside of the ship. Crease well along the center fold to complete the simple steam ship model.