Recoup Your Self Esteem After A Divorce
How to Recoup Your Self Esteem After a Divorce (911 Words)
Getting a divorce is a major life change, and it can leave many with low self-esteem. Self-esteem can be greatly shattered when going through a divorce, since normally a person's life partner is who made them feel great about themselves in the first place. Even though divorce can seem like the end of the world to some, there are many effective ways to build your self-esteem back up and live a happy and health life. Women can follow these eight steps to rebuild their self-esteem after a divorce, so they can go back out into the world feeling as great as they did before the divorce.
When going through a divorce, the first thing a woman should do is talk about it with a best friend or close family member. By talking with a friend, you can get everything off of your chest as well as get another opinion about the situation. Having a friend to talk to will make you feel loved, cherished, and important, since a divorce can make a woman feel completely opposite.
Having positive thoughts also will help to gain back self-esteem when going through a divorce, since you can guide yourself to think a certain way. Even when you may be feeling down in the dumps and at the lowest point ever in your life, you can think positive and make your life turn out positive. If you think you cannot deal with the divorce, you wont be able to. Thinking you can do it and that you will be okay will make it so you really can do it and you really will be okay. Once you focus your mind on happy and positive thoughts, you will start to believe them and actually be able to be happy and positive.
Forgetting about the past is a major key when trying to gain back your self-esteem. No matter what the reason for the divorce was, you need to learn from your past mistakes and move on with your life. Instead of dwelling on what you did wrong all the time, think about how you can fix yourself as a person and do better in the future. Even though finding another mate may be the last thing on your mind right now, you should think about how to better yourself rather than trying to figure out what you did wrong.
By being around other people, your self-esteem level can rise dramatically. Just by interacting at your local grocery store or coffee shop, you will find yourself able to talk with strangers without feel self-conscious. Friends and family members are also great to surround yourself with, since their positive attitudes can rub off on you and leave you feeling great. Surround yourself with people you love, because they will be able to show you what a great person you really are.
Perfection is something that almost everybody would like to achieve, but in reality it is impossible. Let go of thinking that you want to be perfect, because nobody is and nobody ever will be. You need to understand that you are entitled to make mistakes just like everybody else in the world, and you should never beat yourself up for any mistake that you have made. By getting rid of this idea of perfection, your self-esteem will not drop each time you feel you are not perfect.
Never compare yourself to anyone that you know, because you are your own unique individual. You may have friends who are happily married and may seem perfect, but that has nothing to do with your situation. By comparing yourself to others, you can put a huge impact on your self-esteem that is completely unnecessary. Remember that who are who you are for a reason, and you were put on this planet to be yourself, and nobody else.
Most marriages involve shared expenses, and this can sometimes be difficult to deal with during a divorce. Make yourself financially stable, because money is something you should not have to worry about during this time in your life. Because money issues can always be stressful, you should make sure that money would be one less thing you have to worry about. Being financially stable can also help to boost your self-esteem, since you wont have to rely on anybody else.
Writing a diary can be very beneficial to any woman who is going through a divorce, because it really helps to express your thoughts and feelings on paper. There may be some things that you are feeling that you would not like to talk to someone about, so instead you can let your diary know. By getting these feelings out and onto paper, you can get them off of your mind and decrease the amount of stress you are going through right now. You can vent about anything you want in your diary, and never have to feel embarrassed or shy about what someone may think.
Because divorce can cause a major decrease in your self-esteem levels, you need to make sure you are on top of it. There are many different ways to increase your self-esteem after a divorce, and all it requires is a little bit of friends mixed with some personal self-esteem boosting thoughts. Divorce is just a little speed bump in the road of your entire life, and you will get through it as long as you know what it takes to get over that bump in the road.
Getting a divorce is a major life change, and it can leave many with low self-esteem. Self-esteem can be greatly shattered when going through a divorce, since normally a person's life partner is who made them feel great about themselves in the first place. Even though divorce can seem like the end of the world to some, there are many effective ways to build your self-esteem back up and live a happy and health life. Women can follow these eight steps to rebuild their self-esteem after a divorce, so they can go back out into the world feeling as great as they did before the divorce.
When going through a divorce, the first thing a woman should do is talk about it with a best friend or close family member. By talking with a friend, you can get everything off of your chest as well as get another opinion about the situation. Having a friend to talk to will make you feel loved, cherished, and important, since a divorce can make a woman feel completely opposite.
Having positive thoughts also will help to gain back self-esteem when going through a divorce, since you can guide yourself to think a certain way. Even when you may be feeling down in the dumps and at the lowest point ever in your life, you can think positive and make your life turn out positive. If you think you cannot deal with the divorce, you wont be able to. Thinking you can do it and that you will be okay will make it so you really can do it and you really will be okay. Once you focus your mind on happy and positive thoughts, you will start to believe them and actually be able to be happy and positive.
Forgetting about the past is a major key when trying to gain back your self-esteem. No matter what the reason for the divorce was, you need to learn from your past mistakes and move on with your life. Instead of dwelling on what you did wrong all the time, think about how you can fix yourself as a person and do better in the future. Even though finding another mate may be the last thing on your mind right now, you should think about how to better yourself rather than trying to figure out what you did wrong.
By being around other people, your self-esteem level can rise dramatically. Just by interacting at your local grocery store or coffee shop, you will find yourself able to talk with strangers without feel self-conscious. Friends and family members are also great to surround yourself with, since their positive attitudes can rub off on you and leave you feeling great. Surround yourself with people you love, because they will be able to show you what a great person you really are.
Perfection is something that almost everybody would like to achieve, but in reality it is impossible. Let go of thinking that you want to be perfect, because nobody is and nobody ever will be. You need to understand that you are entitled to make mistakes just like everybody else in the world, and you should never beat yourself up for any mistake that you have made. By getting rid of this idea of perfection, your self-esteem will not drop each time you feel you are not perfect.
Never compare yourself to anyone that you know, because you are your own unique individual. You may have friends who are happily married and may seem perfect, but that has nothing to do with your situation. By comparing yourself to others, you can put a huge impact on your self-esteem that is completely unnecessary. Remember that who are who you are for a reason, and you were put on this planet to be yourself, and nobody else.
Most marriages involve shared expenses, and this can sometimes be difficult to deal with during a divorce. Make yourself financially stable, because money is something you should not have to worry about during this time in your life. Because money issues can always be stressful, you should make sure that money would be one less thing you have to worry about. Being financially stable can also help to boost your self-esteem, since you wont have to rely on anybody else.
Writing a diary can be very beneficial to any woman who is going through a divorce, because it really helps to express your thoughts and feelings on paper. There may be some things that you are feeling that you would not like to talk to someone about, so instead you can let your diary know. By getting these feelings out and onto paper, you can get them off of your mind and decrease the amount of stress you are going through right now. You can vent about anything you want in your diary, and never have to feel embarrassed or shy about what someone may think.
Because divorce can cause a major decrease in your self-esteem levels, you need to make sure you are on top of it. There are many different ways to increase your self-esteem after a divorce, and all it requires is a little bit of friends mixed with some personal self-esteem boosting thoughts. Divorce is just a little speed bump in the road of your entire life, and you will get through it as long as you know what it takes to get over that bump in the road.