Types of Bipolar Episodes
- Some people suffering from bipolar have rapid cycling episodes. With rapid cycling a person has short episodes lasting a few hours to a few days of alternating manic and depressive symptoms.
- Mixed episodes don't happen with most people who have bipolar disorder. In this state a person has manic and depressive symptoms at the same time.
- During a depressive episode a person is at his lowest. He has low self-esteem, feels hopeless, lacks energy and interest in normal routine, and may even think of suicide.
- A manic episode has a person feeling energetic, euphoric and productive. The person may also be reckless and aggressive.
- This is a mild version of mania. These symptoms usually occur in bipolar type 2. It is also possible in a rapid cycling.
Rapid Cycling Episode
Mixed Episode
Depressive Episodes
Manic Episode
Hypomanic Episode