How to Care for the Fuchsia Blooms
- 1). Plant fuchsia flowers in areas that receive morning sun and afternoon shade. Place containers of fuchsias in areas that receive bright, indirect sunlight.
- 2). Water bedded fuchsias once a week, moistening the soil to a 6 inch depth. Water container-grown plants when the soil surface begins to feel dry. Container plants may require more frequent irrigation during periods of hot, dry weather.
- 3). Spread a 2-inch layer of mulch around bedded fuchsia plants in spring. The mulch prevents weed growth, helps keep the soil moist and also keeps the soil cool for the plants.
- 4). Fertilize both bedding and container-grown fuchsias with a soluble 20-20-20 analysis fertilizer. Apply the fertilizer at the rate recommended on the package. Fertilize every two weeks from spring until fall.
- 5). Bring potted fuchsias indoors before the first expected frost and place them in an east or south facing window. Water every two weeks or when the top 3 inches of soil begins drying throughout the winter months.
- 6). Pinch back the growing tips when the plant begins actively growing again in spring. Pinch off the top 1/4 to 1/2 inch of the tips, which encourages lateral branching and a fuller plant. Pinch fuchsias throughout the growing season to prevent them from becoming overgrown and leggy.