African-American Friendship Gifts
- Give a gift that celebrates your african american guitarist image by MAXFX from
While friendship is not based on skin color, there are some specifically African-American friendship books that celebrate the heritage, culture and legacy of African-American women throughout the decades. Inspirational gifts that feature African-American women help to uplift while at the same time honor an important segment of the world's population. - Make a handcrafted greeting card that features two African-American friends on the cover. You can make this using craft supplies and paper dolls or three-dimensional stickers. Use a single sheet of folded card stock as your card base, embellish the front of the card and write a personalized message on the inside of the card.
- Buy a book of poetry by African-American poets. You can check used book stores for a charming, old copy. Or you can purchase a new one from an online vendor. The Norton Anthology, which is a standard text in college English classes, has published a compilation of poetry and literature by African American writers. One example is a poem by Paul Laurence Dunbar, whose "Invitation to Love" can be expressed to a friend or a significant other. It begins as "Come when the nights are bright with stars/Or when the moon is mellow;/Come when the sun his golden bars/Drops on the hay-field yellow./Come in the twilight soft and gray,/Come in the night or come in the day,/Come, O love, whene'er you may,/And you are welcome, welcome."
- Purchase a book that celebrates friendship among African-American women. One example is "Just Between Girlfriends" by Chrisena Coleman. It features inspirational stories by famous African-American women including Coretta Scott King, Oprah Winfrey and Dominique Dawes. Make sure you write a personal message on the inside cover of the book.
Handcrafted Card
Friendship Book