World of Warcraft Cheatcodes
- Although the new expansion, Cataclysm, changed the zone of Westfall a great deal, this old favorite is still there waiting to be found by inquisitive players. Just go to Saldean's Farm in Westfall, find a chicken, target it, and use the "/chicken" emote until it gives you a quest. It likely will take quite a few attempts, so it's a good idea to make a macro for the command instead. When you get the quest from the chicken, purchase some chicken feed from Farmer Saldean inside the house and give it to the chicken after using your "/cheer" emote on it. Hand in the quest and get your own Prairie Chicken vanity pet.
- As with any MMORPG game, World of Warcraft has its fair share of animated emotes, complete with sound effects. These are accessible by clicking on the speech bubble icon in the corner of the chat window, choosing the "Macro" menu, and selecting the emote. You can also type the emote into the chat box after a forward slash. For example, typing "/dance" will make your character dance. The "/roar" emote is also a fun emote because it is accompanied by a sound effect, as of Patch 4.2.
- Guild commands enable guild leaders and officers to add and remove members of a guild as well as promote them. These commands are not available to guild recruits and members of other ranks, unless they only affect that user. If you want to leave a guild, type "/gquit." Any member can also use the "/groster" command to bring up a list off all the members in the guild. Guild offices can promote or demote players by typing "/gpromote" and "/gdemote," respectively, followed by the player name. An officer can also remove a player from the guild by typing "/gremove" followed by the player name.
- Macros provide a variety of code possibilities in World of Warcraft. Although you cannot use them to automate any kind of action, they are useful for making your play more efficient. For example, if you are tired of manually selling all your gray "vendor trash," use the following macro to sell all of your gray items:
"/run local c,i,n,v=0;for b=0,4 do for s=1,GetContainerNumSlots(b)do i={GetContainerItemInfo(b,s)}n=i[7]if n and string.find(n,"9d9d9d")then v={GetItemInfo(n)}q=i[2]c=c+v[11]*q;UseContainerItem(b,s)print(n,q)end;end;end;print(GetCoinText(c))"
Prairie Chicken Pet in Westfall
Fun, Animated Emotes
Useful Guild Codes and Commands
Sell All Gray Items