Find Party Etiquette for RSVP, Response, and Regret Cards
Correct Use of the RSVP, Response, and Regret Cards With Party Invitations Although it is widely used by so many part planners, lots of people wonder just what RSVP means.
Perhaps, the reason there are so few responses is that they simply don't know what it means or what to do.
Quite simply, RSVP is an acronym for 'répondez s'il vou plait', a French term meaning respond, please.
When you see RSVP on your invite, you should / must reply with either yes, 'I will attend' or 'no, I will not attend'.
Rude to Ignore RSVP Cards And, then there are those invites that will have the words, 'Regrets Only'.
This usually means that you should reply only if you will not attend.
Or conversely, if you do not reply, then it is assumed that you will be there.
To say it is totally RUDE not to RSVP when requested or not to show up if you did not reply to such a Regrets Only request, is a definite understatement.
It is really a fairly simple procedure to follow.
Here are more particulars and details: * Reply to the RSVP in the manner requested in the invitation; i.
by reply card, phone, email, etc.
* Respond in a timely manner; honor the dates shown * Regrets Only means just that; no reason to respond if you plan to attend * If you say reply that you are coming, the you should attend * If you respond that you won't attend, then Don't * Never ask to bring someone who is not invited * Always remember that it is inexcusably rude to not let the host know how many people to expect For Those Who Don't Include RSVP Information - What Then? If you are hosting an event and your invitees have not responded to your RSVP, you should call them, as you need a fairly accurate count.
Your call could go something like, 'Hey, Janet, I, following up on the invite to ensure you got it.
I need to give the caterer an accurate count and need to know if you and Sid will be attending'.
Hopefully, all the Janets you invited just got busy and forgot to reply, or simply procrastinated and probably felt guilty about responding so late.
Regardless, there's no harm - no foul by addressing the issue, as you get your count and Janet might think twice the next time she fails to respond to an RSVP.
Party Thank You Card Etiquette It is the social obligation for all the guests to thank their hosts, twice.
Although varying in amounts, parties are expensive and all require a great deal of planning and organizing, so the invitees should be aware and acknowledge this.
You should thank your host at the event, and definitely follow it up with a sincere and personal thank you party card.
And, although not required, a gift to the hostess is always a nice gesture.
These are all just common courtesies and don't require a lot of thought or work.
Perhaps, the reason there are so few responses is that they simply don't know what it means or what to do.
Quite simply, RSVP is an acronym for 'répondez s'il vou plait', a French term meaning respond, please.
When you see RSVP on your invite, you should / must reply with either yes, 'I will attend' or 'no, I will not attend'.
Rude to Ignore RSVP Cards And, then there are those invites that will have the words, 'Regrets Only'.
This usually means that you should reply only if you will not attend.
Or conversely, if you do not reply, then it is assumed that you will be there.
To say it is totally RUDE not to RSVP when requested or not to show up if you did not reply to such a Regrets Only request, is a definite understatement.
It is really a fairly simple procedure to follow.
Here are more particulars and details: * Reply to the RSVP in the manner requested in the invitation; i.
by reply card, phone, email, etc.
* Respond in a timely manner; honor the dates shown * Regrets Only means just that; no reason to respond if you plan to attend * If you say reply that you are coming, the you should attend * If you respond that you won't attend, then Don't * Never ask to bring someone who is not invited * Always remember that it is inexcusably rude to not let the host know how many people to expect For Those Who Don't Include RSVP Information - What Then? If you are hosting an event and your invitees have not responded to your RSVP, you should call them, as you need a fairly accurate count.
Your call could go something like, 'Hey, Janet, I, following up on the invite to ensure you got it.
I need to give the caterer an accurate count and need to know if you and Sid will be attending'.
Hopefully, all the Janets you invited just got busy and forgot to reply, or simply procrastinated and probably felt guilty about responding so late.
Regardless, there's no harm - no foul by addressing the issue, as you get your count and Janet might think twice the next time she fails to respond to an RSVP.
Party Thank You Card Etiquette It is the social obligation for all the guests to thank their hosts, twice.
Although varying in amounts, parties are expensive and all require a great deal of planning and organizing, so the invitees should be aware and acknowledge this.
You should thank your host at the event, and definitely follow it up with a sincere and personal thank you party card.
And, although not required, a gift to the hostess is always a nice gesture.
These are all just common courtesies and don't require a lot of thought or work.