Blood Cholesterol Levels Too High For One Third of US Population
What if you knew one out of every three members of your family were doing something life threatening, would you help them? Would you warn them of the danger of their actions or inaction? Sure you would most of us would especially if it's a family member.
Well get ready to start talking to your family members about their high cholesterol and the risk it poses for their very survival everyday.
Did you know that as of July 3, 2009 the U.
population stood at 306,819,857 people and counting? Sadly (one in three) 106.
7 million Americans age 20 and older have total blood cholesterol levels of 200 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) and higher according to the NCHS - National Center for Health Statistics and the NHLBI - National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
Are you one of the 106 million Americans with high cholesterol? Do you even know what your cholesterol level is? You should it's your life we're talking about here.
Eighty million Americans have some form of heart disease, (high cholesterol is listed within the category of heart disease).
Unfortunately, many people are either not aware that they have high cholesterol or they aren't taking their cholesterol diagnosis seriously until it's too late.
Most people have been told that they should have a cholesterol level of no high than 200.
But, according to research being made public by medical researchers a blood cholesterol level of 200 is not safe.
According to the Framingham heart Study, which has tracked 5000 participants over the past 50 years, one-third of the heart attacks that occurred during their study occurred in men and women with blood cholesterol levels between 150 and 200.
Interestingly, no one in the Framingham study with a blood cholesterol of 150 or less ever experienced a heart attack.
Surprised? It's true.
Pretty interesting fact considering the food choices and lifestyle choices so many people in this county make.
So what are the folks with the 150 or less cholesterol levels doing that you can copy? They simply made choices anyone can follow, like eating healthier, low fat meals, exercising more and finding ways to reduce the stresses in their lives.
Now, we can't tell you how to reduce your stress in this article or what exercises to do but, if you're ready to eat healthier and reduce your cholesterol level in the process.
Click here http://www.
com to learn how to prepare heart healthy great tasting meals even your family can enjoy.