Heart Disease and Supplementation
While the heart is at the center of your cardiovascular system your cardiovascular system involves much more than your heart.
This powerful muscle works non stop sending vital nutrients and oxygen to tissues and cells keeping us alive.
If the heart were to fail the bodies organs would begin to deteriorate very quickly.
Therefore it can be said that life itself is dependent on the efficient operation of our heart.
Cardiovascular disease however in many cases is a slow developing disease.
As the heart begins to fail the pumping action of this muscle grows weaker and weaker.
Some of the symptoms associated with heart failure are shortness of breath, being fatigued and experiencing tiredness.
The number 1 cause of heart failure are conditions that damage the heart.
High blood pressure, diabetes and coronary heart disease are to be counted among the diseases that damage our hearts.
About 5.
7 million people in the United States experience heart failure each year and of the 5.
7 million about 300,000 deaths will occur.
Unfortunately, heart disease has no cure.
Supplements for a Healthy Heart Many supplements are available for a healthy heart.
One of the most important supplements in my mind that is beneficial for cardiovascular disease is L Arginine.
This amino acid is used to make nitric oxide.
Exactly what is so special about Nitric Oxide? There are a wide selection of wonderful things it does in the body for instance continuing to keep blood vessels pliable and elastic, permitting blood to flow effortlessly through the body.
Protecting against platelets from attaching to blood vessel walls and stopping oxidation.
It has also been demonstrated to retard the the development of plaque on blood vessel walls and reduce atherosclerosis.
Finally it has been revealed to melt away plaque that already exist! The body uses nitric oxide to relax blood vessels.
Your body makes Nitric Oxide with the aid of Arginine.
Some other benefits of L-arginine is that it reduces the healing time of injuries and quickens repair of damaged tissue.
Arginine can also help reduce blood pressure.
If one is to take arginine is also recommended that you include the amino acid storyline in your supplementation.
Citrulline prolongs the action of arginine allowing an adequate supply of nitric oxide to be produced.
Cardio Cocktail is an amazing supplement that delivers 5 grams of arginine in every ounce.
Any time you improve circulation you also enhance oxygen and nutrients streaming throughout the body.
This undoubtedly will enhance your energy.
Arginine is only one of the wonderful essential ingredients in Cardio Cocktail.
You will find other crucial cardiovascular supplements in Cardio Cocktail as well.
You can easily find out more concerning arginine and many supplements like it in the authors resource box by going to the web site.