Gene Therapy Safe and Effective for Chest Pain
Gene Therapy Safe and Effective for Chest Pain
According to Grines, the patients' heart muscles were able to incorporate the gene, churning out blood-vessel generating proteins for several weeks.
"The results of this study are very encouraging because the response that we saw was far in excess of what we would have expected," says study co-author Robert L. Engler, MD, a cardiologist at the Veterans Administration San Diego Health Care System. Our estimate was that we would have needed a lot more patients to detect any effect," he says in a news release.
Still, the researchers say, to show effectiveness, these results need to be replicated in a much larger group of patients. That large-scale trial is already under way at 100 U.S. centers.
Gene Therapy Safe and Effective for Chest Pain
According to Grines, the patients' heart muscles were able to incorporate the gene, churning out blood-vessel generating proteins for several weeks.
"The results of this study are very encouraging because the response that we saw was far in excess of what we would have expected," says study co-author Robert L. Engler, MD, a cardiologist at the Veterans Administration San Diego Health Care System. Our estimate was that we would have needed a lot more patients to detect any effect," he says in a news release.
Still, the researchers say, to show effectiveness, these results need to be replicated in a much larger group of patients. That large-scale trial is already under way at 100 U.S. centers.