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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

Failure Is A Better Teacher Than Success - Persistence Is Key

Failure is a better teacher than success as it gives you the opportunity to learn from your mistakes and grow. The problem with failure is that many people accept it as defeat and then quit. Persistence is the key to making it big in this world.

What to Focus On and Develop the Best Attitude of All Times

How is your big picture? Do you focus on the "minor discoloration" that might have happened in the past? Even in those times when the tree is "tried by fire," some kind of growth occurred. Likewise, our drawbacks may present opportunities for us to grow, albeitprobably not like i

Advice For Everyday Life

In this article you will find solid self-help advice to assist you in working through your problems and attaining the level of success that you desire. The techniques presented here will train you to hone ...

3 Daily Time Management Tips to Help You Better Manage Your Life

People aren't born with time management skills, but they can be learned. The more you can get out of your day, the better you will feel and the more you will have accomplished. In this modern society full of distractions such as 200 channels on the TV, it can be difficult to manage our time wel

Can You Really Attract Money With Your Mind?

So many people are having troubles with their bills, their mortgage, and even finding a job these days, that it is no surprise that the subject of being able to attract money is gaining so ...

Laundromat Business- A Successful Venture With Guaranteed Profits

A Laundromat is a large space with multiple washing machines and dryers. Here people come and wash their dirty clothes. It is also known as a coin wash service where you have to insert a coin in the machine and then only it will start working.

We Must Believe in Jesus - Mark 16:16 and More

Is believing in Jesus more than being born again? Is there more to the Christian life then being a believer and is it possible to meet Jesus on earth and shake is hand and hug him? This author has done it and if you're a believer whose faith is alive you might see Jesus in a vision as a result

Four Choices Between Success And Failure

Taking action to make your dreams come true is the first step between success and failure. Successfulpeople believe in themselves and are convinced that they can live richer, fuller lives. Are you making the right choices?

Discover How Baby Boomers Can Make an Impact

Baby boomers are an interesting group.You are a baby boomer if you were born between the years of 1946 and 1964.What is one of the things that makes this group so interesting?

Everything is Love

From a divine spiritual perspective everything, every action, every motion, every thought, every feeling, all of life is an attempt to experience love. But how can we incorporate this perspective into our lives and how do we view our "negative" emotions such as hate, resentment and anger a

Mind Mapping Tips For Improving Memory

Mind mapping is a technique to keep a track of your thoughts and ideas through sketches and words that represent the flow of your mind when you are thinking. It can as simple as how your brain went from thinking about the local cafe to the great movie you saw last summer. The cafe had a poster of th

3 Powerful Strategies for Building Self-Esteem

People with low self-esteem see themselves as unworthy and unacceptable. Their perception of themselves is biased but they refuse to see it that way. Trying to persuade such a person about their qualities usually doesn't work. So what are possible ways of raising one's self-esteem?

The Self-esteem Wellness Connection

We are not "one-dimensional." What happens to us in our experiences have everything to do with self-esteem. Now, how does that connect with wellness, read this article and find out.

Food for Your Mind

What are you feeding your mind? Yes, you read that correctly! Many will be conscious of what food they put into their bodies but how many are feeding their mind appropriately?

Influencing in Coaching - Why Do People Say Yes?

People often say 'yes' or agree with requests out of mindless compliance as it makes their lives simpler and smoother. This article is going to reveal ALL 6 Coaching Weapons of Influence.

Brain Wave Entrainment Helps You Get What You Want

There is a mysterious place in your mind, where your belief system lives, that can be accessed by a certain brain wave frequency. It is from this state that you can remove the blockages that are stopping you from getting what you want, replacing them with a new positive belief system. Brain wave ent