What to Focus On and Develop the Best Attitude of All Times
One way ecologists study tree age and forest fire patterns is by looking at cross sections of trees that have lived long years.
Each ring represents a year of growth.
The rings of the trees are mostly clear, but some show up more than others.
Some rings are particularly dark, suggesting that there were forest fires in those years, and the growth of the tree was affected.
Other rings may be thinner than the rest because drastic conditions impaired normal growth.
However, based on the tree's general appearance, those darker or thinner rings may be only minor discoloration on a mass of healthy and ordinary rings.
From this natural school, we learn that it is the big picture of life that is important, not our drawbacks.
How is your big picture? Do you focus on the "minor discoloration" that might have happened in the past? Even in those times when the tree is "tried by fire," some kind of growth occurred.
Likewise, our drawbacks may present opportunities for us to grow, albeit probably not like in normal circumstances.
The benefits of personal experience gained when we are tried can not be ignored.
The scripture tells us, "And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us" (Romans 5: 3-5).
Your tribulations may be failed relationships, spiritual drawbacks, death of loved ones, professional obstacles or illness.
Past "darker or thinner" parts of our lives may leave physical or emotional marks that may cause difficulty in focusing on the big picture of life.
God's power is realized at one's weakest point.
The darker the situation, the brighter He can make it to be, if we are willing to seek His will and accept His plan for our lives.
The normal and healthy rings reflect the fact that a tree utilizes available resources maximally in good seasons.
Two resources, you and time, are crucial and must be utilized wisely.
You shouldn't spend your time reminiscing on wounds of the past.
Doing so only steals from your current and future resources.
It is chasing the wind.
No matter how dark your past spiritual, professional and personal life have been, your future, which starts now, its unmarred.
Each ring represents a year of growth.
The rings of the trees are mostly clear, but some show up more than others.
Some rings are particularly dark, suggesting that there were forest fires in those years, and the growth of the tree was affected.
Other rings may be thinner than the rest because drastic conditions impaired normal growth.
However, based on the tree's general appearance, those darker or thinner rings may be only minor discoloration on a mass of healthy and ordinary rings.
From this natural school, we learn that it is the big picture of life that is important, not our drawbacks.
How is your big picture? Do you focus on the "minor discoloration" that might have happened in the past? Even in those times when the tree is "tried by fire," some kind of growth occurred.
Likewise, our drawbacks may present opportunities for us to grow, albeit probably not like in normal circumstances.
The benefits of personal experience gained when we are tried can not be ignored.
The scripture tells us, "And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us" (Romans 5: 3-5).
Your tribulations may be failed relationships, spiritual drawbacks, death of loved ones, professional obstacles or illness.
Past "darker or thinner" parts of our lives may leave physical or emotional marks that may cause difficulty in focusing on the big picture of life.
God's power is realized at one's weakest point.
The darker the situation, the brighter He can make it to be, if we are willing to seek His will and accept His plan for our lives.
The normal and healthy rings reflect the fact that a tree utilizes available resources maximally in good seasons.
Two resources, you and time, are crucial and must be utilized wisely.
You shouldn't spend your time reminiscing on wounds of the past.
Doing so only steals from your current and future resources.
It is chasing the wind.
No matter how dark your past spiritual, professional and personal life have been, your future, which starts now, its unmarred.