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Allergies & Asthma : Health & Medical
Asthma and Allergies: Asthma Due to Allergens
Many asthmatics have severe aggravation in their condition due to allergies to certain allergens like plant pollens, fungi, house dust, food articles, insects etc.
Small Stuff, Big Problem - Allergies
All Natural Capsaicin relieves allergy and sinus ailments naturally.Promising new studies have revealed what some parts of the world have known for centuries.Capsaicin, a small chemical compound found in chili peppers, is quickly gaining respectable attention as a natural means of controlling sinus
Allergic Rhinitis - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Hay Fever
Hay fever or also known as allergic rhinitis is one of the most common types of allergies. Common symptoms are runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing.
Signs and Symptoms of a Corn Allergy
Corn may be delicious, but it can cause serious problems for those allergic to it.corn-cobs image by Maria Brzostowska from Fotolia.comCorn exists in many forms used in common foods. In addition to the actual vegetable form, there is the widespread use of cornstarch and corn syrup that...
Asthma in Children-References
CitationsBush RK (2002). Environmental controls on the management of allergic asthma. Medical Clinics of North America, 86(3): 973–989.McGeady SJ (2004). Immunocompetence and allergy. Pediatrics, 113(4): 1107–1113.Jarjour NN, Kelly EAB (2002). Pathogenesis of asthma. Medical Clinics of North ...
Food Intolerance
If you live with food intolerance, know that you're not alone. Millions of Americans, as well as citizens around the world, suffer from some form of food allergy or food intolerance.But no matter what food makes you ill, you should know some tips and tricks for not letting it rule your life.
Natural Medicines for Cat Allergies
Dietary changes supporting immune system health will help reduce cat face image by Viktor Korpan from Fotolia.comAllergies in humans can take all kinds of forms, one of the most prevalent being allergies to pet dander. Cats can be very pleasant household pets, but extreme...
Allergies to Insect Stings-Other Places To Get Help
Allergies to Insect Stings-Other Places To Get Help
Worst Cities for People With Fall Allergies
How bad is your city for people with fall allergies? Here are the worst -- and best -- cities for people who sneeze and sniffle in the fall.
Who Should You See About Asthma in Children?
One child in 20, or about 5 million children under the age of 18, suffers from asthma, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. It is the leading cause of days missed from school, accounting for more than 14 million absences. There is no cure for asthma, but the condition can be ma
Gardening With Allergies
You don't need to stay out of the garden just because you have allergies. Try these 21 tips to keep allergy symptoms at bay while you garden.
What Is Mesh Erosion?
Mesh patches, made of synthetic material, are used often for large hernias. Mesh patches can also be used for any type of skin grafting when an injured area needs to be covered, such as bladder suspension surgery. Unfortunately, some mesh patches may erode, which involves the synthetic material brea
What are Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Asthma?
Asthma is a Greek word refers to breathless or breathes from an open mouth. Asthma is the disorder that causes the airway of the lungs to swell and narrow leading to wheezing, shortness of breath, che
Breast-Feed Your Infant to Decrease Their Likelihood For Allergies
One of the best ways to decrease the likelihood of developing allergies later in life, according to most alternative medicine practitioners, is to feed an infant mother's milk. Breast-feeding builds a strong immune system equipped to deal with infection, environmental toxins, and food allergens
Kids With Peanut Allergy Grow Up Worried
Children with a peanut allergy grow up anxious about food -- and it makes childhood far less fun.
How to Control Allergens
Whether it's pollen, dander, dust or food, allergens are a serious problem for millions of people around the world. People spend a lot of money and time dealing with their allergies. Instead of simply living with the bothersome symptoms, work to control your allergies. Through limiting your exposure
Allergy Producing Ragweed - 5 Revealing Answers About Ragweed Pollen
Common ragweed or ambrosia artemisifolia is the most well known cause of hay fever and fall allergies. If you are allergic, it is a tough adversary. And knowing how it works and what to do to manage your contact with it is a must. Here are 5 facts that will help you do just that.
Holistic BPH Treatment
Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) is a non-cancerous condition that causes enlargement of the prostate. There are several natural and drug treatment options. Common drug treatments that can be prescribed include Proscar, Cardura, Minipress and Hytrin. Holistic therapies are also an option for those