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Gardening : Home & Garden

A Holistic Perspective Of Gardening

By grasping the individual aspects of gardening, you can better understand what gardening is as a whole. A holistic perspective of gardening looks at the spiritual, mental, economical, and biological aspects of gardening.

Elegia capensis An unusual plant.

This is a tall, dark green, elegant plant with large, decorative, papery sheaths along the stems. The genus Elegia, belongs to the family Restionaceae. Elegia has 35 species. The name Elegia is presumed to come ...

How to Water Your Plants With 7Up

Plants need irrigation to thrive, and plain water meets that need for most plants. For cut plants and flowers though, special additives mixed in with the water helps preserve them so they'll last longer. Floral preservatives available from florists and at garden centers are designed to do this, but

Types of Carpeting and Rugs to Use in a Veranda

If you have a conservatory, adding those finishing touches with a rug or carpet is easy. But how do you go about buying rugs for your veranda? The key feature for any type of outdoor ...

Creating a Landscape Design Especially for Your Family

Coming up with a creative landscaping design for your yard is a dilemma for many home owners. There are several different options when thinking about the design of your space. The first thing to consi

Ideas for Flower Plot Planting

Plant a mixture of perennials and annuals in your flower plot for year-round color.Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty ImagesCreate a plot of flowers with blossoms that span a season and that return each year. Planting a flower plot with a combination of perennials and annuals adds...

Making the Most From Your Real Christmas Tree

Most of us love to bring in a real tree to decorate our home at Christmas time. But they can be expensive and many will argue, environmentally wasteful. Here are a few tips for those who are prepared to splash out.

Indoor Greenhouse

The concept of indoor greenhouse is gaining wider acceptance among people these days. This is because of the immense benefits that are associated with this type of gardening. These offer excellent conditions for the growth of wide varieties of flowers and plants. With these greenhouses the problem o

What Kind of Relationship Is Fungi on Trees?

Fungus is a vast and varied group of organisms, neither plant nor animal, but with characteristics of both. These highly adaptable organisms have grown to fill a number of niches in the environment, and have developed different types of relationships with everything from insects to sea life to mamma

5 Tips to Water Orchids the Right Way

5 tips to help you water your orchids the right way. Over-watering is a major cause of failure in orchid growing. These five tips will help you get the humidity and watering intervals right and teach you how to know when your orchid needs more water.

Top 4 Advantages of Growing Heirloom Vegetable Seeds

Heirloom vegetable seeds are well-refined edibles which have completely changed the food dynamics. They have rich flavors, strange colors, excellent textures and most importantly, no records of genetic changes even after years of production. These have become the favorites of gardeners and the chefs

Free Gardening Magazines

There is no reason to pay $5 at the grocery store or bookstore for a gardening magazine, or even $2 per magazine through a subscription.There are plenty of ways to find free gardening magazines online if you just take some time to do some research and fill out some forms. Some websites will send you

How to Plant an Okra Seed

The fruit of the okra plant (Abelmoschus esculentus) provides color, flavor and thickening to dishes across the Deep South. A native of Africa, the plant crossed the Atlantic during the 17th century and, eventually, found its way into gumbo, pickling jars and deep fryers. But this member of the hibi

The Overlooked Miniature Roses

Fantastic miniature roses can add an explosion of color to any part of your house or garden. Here we give tips on how to care for them.

Container Herb Gardens

You can have your own herb garden close at hand to enjoy fresh herbs every day. There are several options from which to select. This will insure that you won't forget which plant is where.

When to Cut Hydrangeas for Drying

Hydrangeas are one of those flowers that almost dry themselves. Once dry, they can last and look beautiful for years. You can dry hydrangeas several ways, but I’ve found the best way to dry hydrangea flowers is the water drying method. This drying method helps the hydrangea flowers retain thei

DIY Japanese Garden Decorations

The appeal of Japanese gardens is their appearance of simplicity. The garden features are natural, yet the decorative design to achieve that elegant simplicity takes thoughtful consideration.