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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical

Choosing Between Employee Health Programs

Choosing your employee health program might be just as important as negotiating your salary. Learn what questions to ask and how to choose wisely for your health coverage.

Mesothelioma - New Treatment Approaches

A determination that you or someone close to you has Mesothelioma is very unfortunate. This form of cancer is usually discovered very late in its growth, which makes treatment extremely difficult and often renders it ...

What Dogs Are Teaching Us About Cancer

Canine research isn’t confined to cancer, with studies around the U.S. focusing on everything from spinal cord injuries to aging to whether having a pet dog makes us healthier.

Vaccine May Prevent Cervical Cancer

One day it may be possible to immunize people against a sexually transmitted virus that is the main cause of cervical cancer in women.

How to Know If You Have Colon Cancer in Los Angeles

Colon cancer is cancer that affects the rectum and the colon. It is caused by excessive and uncontrollable growth of cells in this region. The following are symptoms that indicate colon cancer though you will ...

Mesothelioma - Where Can You Go For Support?

When you are diagnosed with the deadly condition of Mesothelioma, it might seem like the end of the world. However, you need to have faith and remember that this is not the case. There are countless people out there that have been diagnosed with this condition and still lived for a decent period of

What Are the Side Effects of Breast Cancer?

A diagnosis of breast cancer can often mean the beginning of treatments to help remove or prevent further spreading of the disease. The different treatments for breast cancer can often cause several side effects. These side effects vary depending on the type of treatment, its frequency and the sever

Breast Cancer Awareness Merchandise

Every year, more than 200,000 women of all ages worldwide are diagnosed with breast cancer. However if diagnosed at an early stage, the disease isn't as life threatening as it would have been otherwise and the patients have a much higher chance of recovery. Researchers in the field of medicine

What Are the Treatments for Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia?

Acute lymphocytic leukemia is also known as acute lymphoblastic leukemia. When the word "acute" is associated with lymphocytic leukemia, the condition is often fatal when not treated. "Lymphocytic" implies that the cancer is derived from your cells. Acute lymphocytic leukemia results in cancer devel

Childhood CT Scans Raise Cancer Risk

Children who have multiple CT scans before they reach their mid-teens have an increased risk for leukemia and brain tumors, a new study shows.

New Drug Fights Difficult Cancer

A new type of cancer drug, one that doesn't kill the tumor cells but instead attacks the ability of cells to grow and multiply, is offering new treatment options for patients who ran out of options using traditional treatment.

What Are the Health Hazards of Radon?

Radon is a source of radiation.Radiation flag image by Stasys Eidiejus from Fotolia.comRadon-222, commonly referred to as radon, is a byproduct of decay of natural uranium-238, which can be found in rock and soil all over the world. Radon is a radioactive, hazardous gas, and it can seep...

Prognosis For Metastatic Breast Cancer

The stage of breast cancer when cancer cells do not remain in the original cancer site and spread out to other parts of the body is called metastatic breast cancer. This is the stage when the cancer is fully advanced. Even if you have been successfully treated for breast cancer, there is a chance th

Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Health Center

Find in-depth information on non-Hodgkin's lymphoma including symptoms ranging from unexplained fever and weight loss to itchy skin

The Most Deadly HPVs in the World

Two human papillomavirus types included in HPV vaccines cause 71% of cervical cancers -- but there are six other cervical-cancer-causing HPVs, an international study finds.