Promoting Physical Activity Among Cancer Survivors
Promoting Physical Activity Among Cancer Survivors
The findings in the current article underscore the importance of promoting physical activity among cancer survivors. Several frameworks, including the transtheoretical model, have demonstrated efficacy in increasing physical activity behavior among cancer survivors. When promoting physical activity behavior among cancer survivors, nurses should tailor the individual program to the cancer survivors' physical activity preferences and develop strategies to overcome exercise-specific barriers. Given the finding that light-intensity physical activity was associated with several biomarkers among cancer survivors, nurses could promote light-intensity physical activity (e.g., slow walking) before progressing to higher-intensity activities (e.g., brisk walking, cycling, swimming).
Implications for Nursing
The findings in the current article underscore the importance of promoting physical activity among cancer survivors. Several frameworks, including the transtheoretical model, have demonstrated efficacy in increasing physical activity behavior among cancer survivors. When promoting physical activity behavior among cancer survivors, nurses should tailor the individual program to the cancer survivors' physical activity preferences and develop strategies to overcome exercise-specific barriers. Given the finding that light-intensity physical activity was associated with several biomarkers among cancer survivors, nurses could promote light-intensity physical activity (e.g., slow walking) before progressing to higher-intensity activities (e.g., brisk walking, cycling, swimming).