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Auto Insurance & Registration : Insurance

Car Insurance Checklist

Use an auto insurance checklist to make sure you get the proper coverage.yellow car, a honda japanese sport car model image by alma_sacra from Fotolia.comIf you are shopping for or about to buy a new auto insurance policy, make sure you have all important information in place. There is a...

Auto Insurance Regulations

Auto insurance is mandatory in most crash image by dawn from Fotolia.comAuto insurance is an important part of driving responsibly. Besides covering you in case of an accident, it can also protect you if another driver causes the accident. Most states mandate some form of auto...

What Is Sr-22 Filing?

An SR-22 filing is a certificate or document issued by an auto insurance company to the state Department of Motor Vehicles which certifies that a driver has auto insurance in place which meets the state's minimum liability limits.

Kentucky No-Fault Insurance Law

Kentucky has been a no-fault insurance state since July 1, 1975 when the Motor Vehicle Reparations Act became effective. Legislators stated the Act's purpose was to provide "prompt payment to victims," "prompt medical treatment and rehabilitation," and "wage loss benefits." They also noted the liabi

What Happens If My SR-22 Cancels?

Liability insurance is required in most states, and if a person cannot prove financial responsibility, he will be required to prove he has insurance coverage. The most common reason people are required to file an SR-22 is due to a drunk driving (DUI) conviction. Filing an SR-22 can be expensive, but

Information on Auto Insurance for Consumers

Consumers have certain responsibilities when driving a vehicle. Those responsibilities include obtaining a driver’s license, registering the automobile and securing auto insurance. The amount of insurance and type of insurance required varies from state to state, but the overall goal is to hav

GEICO Car Insurance Police Report Requirements

In the event of an accident, GEICO suggests you collect certain information that pertains to your police crash image by dawn from Fotolia.comIf you are involved in an automobile accident, it is important to follow the steps outlined by your insurance company. In the case of...

What Are the Benefits of Paying Annual Car Insurance?

Auto insurance companies usually give you different options for paying your car insurance premiums, including the option to pay the entire amount annually. There are several benefits to paying annually.

Auto Emission Inspection in Massachusetts

On October 1, 2008, Massachusetts enforced a safety inspection and vehicle emissions testing program. Any vehicle built since 1996 will be required to go through the testing and inspection annually. With growing concern over clean air and climate change, Massachusetts adopted the Vehicle Check Progr

Safety Training for Ships

Each new member of a ship's crew must complete basic training on safety matters before undertaking his duties. A qualified member of the ship's crew nominated by the ship's master or chief officer should administer the training.

How to Deal With Insurance & a Body Shop After a Car Accident

Being in a car accident can be a very difficult time to think clearly and keep emotions under control; however, there are things that should be taken care of immediately. Determine the extent of the damage or injuries to make sure no one has been hurt. Call the police to file an accident report, tak

Is Gap Insurance a Good Idea?

Should you get into a car accident or your vehicle is stolen, gap insurance protects your vehicle loan. The insurance covers the amount you still owe on the vehicle compared with what it was worth. Unless your car is paid off, gap insurance gives you piece of mind that if the unexpected happens you

Gross HP Vs. Net HP

Much confusion still exists even among car enthusiasts about the difference between net and gross horsepower. Gross and net horsepower ratings measure the same thing, but in very different ways.

How to get Auto Insurance After a DUI in California

A DUI in California will affect your ability to get auto insurance for up to 10 years. In order to be allowed to drive, you will need to get a California form SR-22 filed with your insurer. This means you are telling your insurance company that you have a DUI which may cause them to drop you. Nevert

Alternative Ways of Car Insurance in the UK

Car insurance isn't transferable in the image by sasha from Fotolia.comCar insurance in the UK covers named drivers in specific vehicles and is non-transferable. The insurance cost or premium payable is dependent on the type of car, the experience and age of the driver and a...

The Typical Cost of Car Insurance

When buying a new car, you will want to shop around for the best insurance policy. Some drivers opt for basic liability insurance only, while others want comprehensive plans. Either way, your insurance prices depend on several factors like location, age and type of car. (see reference 1 & 3)

Can I Cancel a Car Accident Claim?

Accidents happen to everyone, as the millions of dollars in claims paid out by auto insurance companies each year show. But, as Auto Insurance Claims Advice points out, insurers make money by selling insurance policies---not by paying claims. That means your insurance agent will want to help you can

What Is Full Coverage Auto Insurance in Georgia?

Most states have mandatory minimum coverage requirements for auto insurance. Georgia is one of them. Unlike the term full implies, it actually refers to the minimum liability coverage you're required to have on your vehicle if you live in Georgia. For most drivers, especially those with newer vehicl

Minnesota State Car Insurance Requirements

Minnesota is a no-fault insurance statecar image by Goran Bogicevic from Fotolia.comMinnesota is one of 13 states that has adopted a no-fault policy for automobile accidents. No-fault only refers to injuries received in an accident. Instead of citing fault, participants in an accident...

Nevada Car Insurance Minimum Liability Limits

Liability insurance for vehicles offers financial protection for policyholders when they have been found at fault for an accident causing bodily injury or property damage. In Nevada, drivers must maintain this type of insurance and cannot register a vehicle or renew their license plates without subm