Car Insurance Checklist
- Use an auto insurance checklist to make sure you get the proper coverage.yellow car, a honda japanese sport car model image by alma_sacra from
If you are shopping for or about to buy a new auto insurance policy, make sure you have all important information in place. There is a large amount of information that your agent needs before quoting or creating your policy. Having a checklist allows you to remember the aspects of insurance that are important to you and will help make sure you have proper coverage. - Be prepared to have your name, address, date of birth and possibly your social security number ready, depending on where you live. Know how far you drive to and from work and how many days per week. Know how many miles (roughly) that you put on your vehicle annually. You should know this for everyone living in your household who is going to be added to your policy. In some states, it is required that you add driving members of your household to your policy if not insured. Find out who insures your other family members, if necessary.
- Have all of the following vehicle information at hand for each car you plan to add: year, make, model and VIN (Vehicle Identification Number). If adding full coverage insurance, you will likely be required to have pictures taken of each car. If you're asked about any damage, be honest.
- A financed or leased vehicle requires full coverage insurance---both comprehensive and collision. Call your financing institution to find out what their deductible requirements are. Although you can choose your deductible, which can range from $0 to $1,000, most banks require you to have $500 or less. Call before you make any decisions. Also, confirm that your agent will notify the bank about your insurance coverage, otherwise, take a copy of your policy information including coverages and deductible to your bank. Your financing institution must be the loss payee listed on the insurance for loan purposes.
- Know your history. If you are receiving a simple quote, you are asked for the dates of accidents and who was at fault. Know how many points are on your license and when your charges took place. You can do this by going to your local DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) and asking for a driver's abstract. This will clarify any pertinent information.
- Ask your agent about additional coverages available for your policy. Some states allow for windshield replacement with no deductible. Flood damage, rental car coverage and trip interruptions (which includes hotels and meals in the event of a vehicle accident) may be available for a small charge. Some insurance companies may offer some form of accident forgiveness, or other perks such as discounts at places of business for insuring with their company.
- Many insurance providers offer discounts. Some are for college degrees, home ownership or marriage. Often, providers offer multi-policy discounts, meaning you can take advantage of a policy discount for letting the company insure other policies you have in force. Examine any homeowner's or renter's insurance policy you have, as well as life or health insurance. If you can take your policy breakdown and coverage information to an agent, you can see if your price and quality of policy can be matched and switched over for a discount.
- You can add collision coverage to your policy even if it is not required by a financing institution. Collision insurance includes comprehensive coverage and protects you from loss even if you are at fault for an accident. Collision insurance can be very expensive for older cars, and may prove unnecessary considering the vehicle's worth and policy premium. Ask your agent for details. Consider adding only comprehensive coverage to your liability policy if collision coverage is too expensive. Comprehensive covers "other than collision," such as a tree falling on your vehicle or getting into an accident as a result of impact with an animal. Often, this add-on is dollars a month. Always review your policy in full, and discuss any coverage with your agent. Many people prefer to carry more than the state minimums for coverage and can possibly save you from a future lawsuit if your policy does not cover damages. Consult your budget and ask your agent if your coverages are adequate.
Personal Information
Vehicle Information
Auto Finance or Lease
Driving and Accident History
Insurance Extras
Optional Coverage